针对主控制板上存储器(SRAM) 存储的数据量小和最高频率低的情况,提出了基于SDR Sdram(同步动态RAM) 作为主存储器的LED 显示系统的研究。在实验中,使用了现场可编程门阵列( FPGA) 来实现各模块的逻辑功能。最终实现了对L ED 显示屏的控制,并且一块主控制板最大限度的控制了256 ×128 个像素点,基于相同条件,比静态内存控制的面积大了一倍,验证了动态内存核[7 ]的实用性。-For the main control board memory (SRAM) a small amount of stored data and the highest frequency of low, based on SDR Sdram (Synchronous Dynamic RAM) as the main memory of the LED display systems. In the experiment, the use of field programmable gate array (FPGA) to realize the logic function of each module. The eventual realization of L ED display control, and a master control panel to maximize the control of the 256 × 128 pixels point, based on the same conditions than the static memory control area has doubled, to verify the dynamic memory of nuclear [7 ] the practicality.