IGBTs were first introduced as a combination of the bipolar junction transistor
(BJT) and the metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET)
technology. The IGBT is to prefer in medium high voltage segments (600-
3000V) rather than theMOSFET because it proved to have several good features
like ruggedness and operation at higher frequencies [1, ch. 1.9]. The construction
of the IGBT combines the low conduction losses of a BJT with the advantage
of the short switching times of the MOSFET.
(BJT) and the metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET)
technology. The IGBT is to prefer in medium high voltage segments (600-
3000V) rather than theMOSFET because it proved to have several good features
like ruggedness and operation at higher frequencies [1, ch. 1.9]. The construction
of the IGBT combines the low conduction losses of a BJT with the advantage
of the short switching times of the MOSFET.