1) Prerequisites
For program compilation, you need to have
Intel Fortran Compiler for Linux "ifort",
SEPLIB (6.3.12) and Madagascar (0.9.6) installed on your system.
2) Recompilation
To recompile all programs, go to "./Src" directory and run "make"
As prerequisites, you need to have
Intel Fortran Compiler for Linux "ifort" and
the SEPLIB (seplib-6.3.12) installed in your system.
# cd Src
# make
3) Reproduce all figures
To reproduce all figures presented in the paper,
go to "./Fig" directory and run "make"
# cd ./Fig
# make
# tube *.v
4) Clean-up whole directory
# make clean- One- and two-dimensional examples of least-squares reverse-time migration using exact adjoint pairs.
For program compilation, you need to have
Intel Fortran Compiler for Linux "ifort",
SEPLIB (6.3.12) and Madagascar (0.9.6) installed on your system.
2) Recompilation
To recompile all programs, go to "./Src" directory and run "make"
As prerequisites, you need to have
Intel Fortran Compiler for Linux "ifort" and
the SEPLIB (seplib-6.3.12) installed in your system.
# cd Src
# make
3) Reproduce all figures
To reproduce all figures presented in the paper,
go to "./Fig" directory and run "make"
# cd ./Fig
# make
# tube *.v
4) Clean-up whole directory
# make clean- One- and two-dimensional examples of least-squares reverse-time migration using exact adjoint pairs.