编写程序计算一个人的生物节律指数,它是生理、智力和情绪指数之和。情绪周期 是一个正弦曲线,其振幅为1,周期为28天,在给定的一天内,一个人的情绪指数是 , 是他的年龄(以天计算)类似地,生理和智力周期也是正弦曲线,振幅为1,周期分别是23天和33天。
• 编写输入年月日计算天输的函数computeday;
• 编写计算生理指数的函数compute_physiological_index;
• 编写计算情绪指数的函数compute_emotional_index;
• 编写计算智力指数的函数compute_mentality_index;
• 在主程序中输入年月日,计算生物节指数并输出;
-Write a program to calculate a person' s biological rhythms index, and it is the index of the physical, intellectual and emotional. Emotional cycle is a sine curve, its amplitude is 1, the period of 28 days, within a given day, a person' s mood index was his age (in days) Similarly, physical and intellectual cycles are also sinusoidal The amplitude of 1, the cycle is 23 days and 33 days, respectively. 鈥� Prepare input date day lose function computeday a function compute_physiological_index 鈥� write to calculate the physiological indices 鈥� write a function to calculate the sentiment index compute_emotional_index 鈥� preparation of calculation of the the intelligence index function compute_mentality_index enter the date in the main program, calculation index of biological Festival and output
• 编写输入年月日计算天输的函数computeday;
• 编写计算生理指数的函数compute_physiological_index;
• 编写计算情绪指数的函数compute_emotional_index;
• 编写计算智力指数的函数compute_mentality_index;
• 在主程序中输入年月日,计算生物节指数并输出;
-Write a program to calculate a person' s biological rhythms index, and it is the index of the physical, intellectual and emotional. Emotional cycle is a sine curve, its amplitude is 1, the period of 28 days, within a given day, a person' s mood index was his age (in days) Similarly, physical and intellectual cycles are also sinusoidal The amplitude of 1, the cycle is 23 days and 33 days, respectively. 鈥� Prepare input date day lose function computeday a function compute_physiological_index 鈥� write to calculate the physiological indices 鈥� write a function to calculate the sentiment index compute_emotional_index 鈥� preparation of calculation of the the intelligence index function compute_mentality_index enter the date in the main program, calculation index of biological Festival and output