本系统是采用EDA技术设计的一个简易的八音符电子琴和音乐发生器,该系统基于计算机中时钟分频器的原理,采用自顶向下的设计方法来实现,它可以通过按键输入来控制音响。系统由乐曲自动演奏模块、乐器演示模块琴/乐功能选择模块、音调发生模块和数控分频模块五个部分组成。系统实现是用硬件描述语言VHDL按模块化方式进行设计,然后进行编程、时序仿真、整合。本系统功能比较齐全,有一定的使用价值.-The system is designed using EDA technology with a simple eight-note keyboard and music generator, the system clock divider based on the principle of the computer, using top-down design approach to achieve, it can control the audio through the key input to . The system automatically performed by the music module, instrument module piano demo/music feature selection module, tone modules, and numerical control frequency occurrence module of five parts. System implementation is to use hardware descr iption language VHDL modular way by design, then programming, timing simulation, integration. The system functions and it has some value.