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- 会员简介:My interests - computers, electronics softfare and software development, science
Old CD-ROM schematics (NEC, Sony)
- CD-ROM schematics: NEC-CDR602 Sony_CDU31A(541)
Optical Drives Tables (CD/DVD-ROM)
- Optical Drives Table V1.1 by Blackened2687 & czary2mary, content: Hitachi LG Optical Drives Table_v1.1 LiteOn Optical Drives Table_V1.7 NEC-Optiarc Optical Drives Table_V1.3 Toshiba-Samsung Optical Drives Table
SAA7134 utility and driver
- SAA7134 utility and driver to set arbitrary freqency for TN/FM tuner
Sound Blaster programming
- Sources and docs for Sound Blaster programming (include precompiled binaries)
Windows Embeded CE7
- Windows Embeded CE7 source code
- ProjectOZ is an experimental environment based on the SPACE abstractions for the CPU, MMU, and trap mechanisms (search: probert bruno SPACE). ProjectOZ implements these abstractions using the native NTAPI of the Windo
QEMU-based framework, sources
- LuaQEMU is a QEMU-based fr a mework exposing several of QEMU-internal APIs to a LuaJIT core injected into QEMU itself.
Unicorn, based on QEMU emulator framework
- Unicorn - lightweight, multi-platform, multi-architecture CPU emulator fr a mework based on QEMU
ARM Disassebblers
- ARMu, D-ARM Disassebblers for Windows
x86 disassemblers
- x86 disassemblers for Windows: Biew, W32Disasm, CMPDisasm
SPI FlashROM Programmer 2.22
- SPI FlashROM Programmer 2.22 for Windows and Dos
Rw v1.49
- RW utility (GUI) for direct access to PC hardware under Windows - very featured (functional)