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ProjectOZ is an experimental environment based on the SPACE abstractions for
the CPU, MMU, and trap mechanisms (search: probert bruno SPACE). ProjectOZ
implements these abstractions using the native NTAPI of the Windows kernel.
Because there is a real OS underneath handling the hardware details rather
than a simulator, students should find it easier to explore kernels at
the algorithm and data structure level
the CPU, MMU, and trap mechanisms (search: probert bruno SPACE). ProjectOZ
implements these abstractions using the native NTAPI of the Windows kernel.
Because there is a real OS underneath handling the hardware details rather
than a simulator, students should find it easier to explore kernels at
the algorithm and data structure level
压缩包 : ProjectOZ.zip 列表 BasicOZ/ BasicOZ/BasicConfig.h BasicOZ/BasicOZ.h BasicOZ/BasicOZServices.inc BasicOZ/Boot.c BasicOZ/Config.inc BasicOZ/DRIVERS/ BasicOZ/DRIVERS/Console.c BasicOZ/DRIVERS/makefile.DRIVERS BasicOZ/i386/ BasicOZ/i386/Machine.asm BasicOZ/Image.c BasicOZ/IO.c BasicOZ/IPC.c BasicOZ/LIB/ BasicOZ/LIB/i386/ BasicOZ/LIB/i386/bufferoverflowu.lib BasicOZ/LIB/i386/ntdll.lib BasicOZ/makefile.BasicOZ BasicOZ/Namespace.c BasicOZ/Object.c BasicOZ/obji386/ BasicOZ/Process.c BasicOZ/Runtime.c BasicOZ/Scalars.c BasicOZ/SPACEOps.c BasicOZ/Syscalls.inc BasicOZ/Thread.c BasicOZ/VirtualMemory.c files/ files/i386/ INC/ INC/BasicOZsyscalls.h INC/BasicTypes.h INC/DeviceDefs.h INC/OZOps.h INC/SPACEOps.h INC/SystemLib.h INC/TrapValues.inc License.txt makefile README.txt runx86/ SPACE/ SPACE/Config.h SPACE/CPU.c SPACE/cpustate SPACE/Debug.c SPACE/Debug.h SPACE/Defs-crt.h SPACE/Defs.h SPACE/DEVICES/ SPACE/Devices.h SPACE/DEVICES/Devices.c SPACE/DEVICES/makefile.DEVICES SPACE/Emulation.c SPACE/i386/ SPACE/i386/Bootstrap.asm SPACE/Interrupt.c SPACE/IO.c SPACE/LIB/ SPACE/LIB/i386/ SPACE/LIB/i386/bufferoverflowu.lib SPACE/LIB/i386/kernel32.lib SPACE/LIB/i386/libcmt.lib SPACE/LIB/i386/libcmt.pdb SPACE/LIB/i386/ntdll.lib SPACE/LoadKernel.c SPACE/makefile.SPACE SPACE/Memory.c SPACE/obji386/ SPACE/Portal.c SPACE/Processor.c SPACE/SPACE.c SPACE/SystemLib.c SPACE/Trap.c SPACE/TrapValues.h SPACE/Util.c