----Author: zhg 2006.12
E-mail: wudazhg@163.com-1. This package is ZHG I use C / C made available for others to study and reference materials. Be sure to spread when the entire package to maintain the integrity of the information and indicate the author, source, etc., in order to respect the author intellectual property. 2. Operation corresponding procedures, the importation of the corresponding 16-color 256 24 color or true color picture bmp name, View the pictures can be. 3. Photo integrity to be formed, such as the importation of tupian.bmp should. ---- Author : zhg 2006.12 E-mail : wudazhg@163.com
----Author: zhg 2006.12
E-mail: wudazhg@163.com-1. This package is ZHG I use C / C made available for others to study and reference materials. Be sure to spread when the entire package to maintain the integrity of the information and indicate the author, source, etc., in order to respect the author intellectual property. 2. Operation corresponding procedures, the importation of the corresponding 16-color 256 24 color or true color picture bmp name, View the pictures can be. 3. Photo integrity to be formed, such as the importation of tupian.bmp should. ---- Author : zhg 2006.12 E-mail : wudazhg@163.com
压缩包 : 43680529zhg_bmp_demo.rar 列表 ZHG_bmp_demo\16demo.c ZHG_bmp_demo\16DEMO.EXE ZHG_bmp_demo\16test.bmp ZHG_bmp_demo\24demo.C ZHG_bmp_demo\24demo.EXE ZHG_bmp_demo\24test.bmp ZHG_bmp_demo\256demo.c ZHG_bmp_demo\256DEMO.EXE ZHG_bmp_demo\256test.bmp ZHG_bmp_demo\BMP16.C ZHG_bmp_demo\BMP24.C ZHG_bmp_demo\BMP256.C ZHG_bmp_demo\EGAVGA.BGI ZHG_bmp_demo\SVGA256.BGI ZHG_bmp_demo\Svga64k.bgi ZHG_bmp_demo\说明.doc ZHG_bmp_demo