“四国军师”是玩联众四国军旗的外挂工具,它能提供每个棋子的移动步数和吃子数,能估计出敌方棋子的大小,提供给棋手分析决策。四国军师是非常实用的游戏辅助外挂工具,借助四国军师,你将体会下四国军棋时,运筹帷幄,决胜千里的感觉。-"Four division" is playing flag Together the four countries of external tools, it can to provide every piece of mobile steps and eat a few-can be estimated the size of the enemy pawn, available to players in the decision-making analysis. Four division is a very useful tool pylon supporting the game, with the help of four division, you will experience under Siguojunji, strategizing decider feeling.
压缩包 : 107215807siguojunshi1.1.rar 列表 Siguojunshi1.1 Siguojunshi1.1\四国军师1.1 Siguojunshi1.1\四国军师1.1\使用说明.txt Siguojunshi1.1\四国军师1.1\sjah.dll Siguojunshi1.1\四国军师1.1\sjkh.dll Siguojunshi1.1\四国军师1.1\四国军师1.1.exe