book:simulation and softeware radiao for mibole
code:psk-based digital transmission schemes
ofdm transmission technology
cdma transmission technology
multiple access protocals
cellular telecommunication systems-book : simulation and softeware radiao for mibole cod e : psk-based digital transmission schemes ofdm t ransmission technology cdma transmission Commando hnology multiple access cellular te protocals lecommunication systems
code:psk-based digital transmission schemes
ofdm transmission technology
cdma transmission technology
multiple access protocals
cellular telecommunication systems-book : simulation and softeware radiao for mibole cod e : psk-based digital transmission schemes ofdm t ransmission technology cdma transmission Commando hnology multiple access cellular te protocals lecommunication systems
压缩包 : 39709609simulationandsoftwareradioformobile.rar 列表 simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter7\antgain.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter7\basest.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter7\cellmesh.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter7\dcamain.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter7\dist.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter7\holdtime.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter7\main.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter7\README-Chap7.txt simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter7\set_D.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter7\shadow.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter7\stationInit.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter7\wrap.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter7 simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter2\bpskev.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter2\comb.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter2\delay.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter2\disper.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter2\fade.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter2\main.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter2\mvalue.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter2\README-Chap2.txt simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter2\sefade.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter2 simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter3\bpsk.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter3\bpsk_fading.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter3\comb.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter3\compconv.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter3\compoversamp.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter3\delay.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter3\fade.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter3\gaussf.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter3\gmsk.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter3\gmsk_fading.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter3\hrollfcoef.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter3\msk.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter3\msk2.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter3\msk2_fading.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter3\msk_fading.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter3\oqpsk.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter3\oqpsk_fading.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter3\oversamp.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter3\oversamp2.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter3\qam16.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter3\qam16_fading.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter3\qamdemod.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter3\qammod.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter3\qpsk.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter3\qpskdemod.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter3\qpskmod.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter3\qpsk_fading.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter3\README-Chap3.txt simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter3\sefade.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter3 simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter4\comb.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter4\crdemapping.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter4\crmapping.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter4\delay.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter4\fade.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter4\giins.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter4\girem.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter4\interwave.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter4\ofdm.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter4\ofdmce.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter4\ofdmci.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter4\ofdmda.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter4\ofdm_fading.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter4\qpskdemod.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter4\qpskmod.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter4\README-Chap4.txt simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter4\sefade.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter4 simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter5\autocorr.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter5\comb2.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter5\compconv2.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter5\compoversamp2.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter5\crosscorr.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter5\delay.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter5\despread.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter5\dscdma.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter5\fade.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter5\goldseq.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter5\hrollfcoef.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter5\mseq.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter5\qpskdemod.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter5\qpskmod.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter5\README-Chap5.txt simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter5\sefade.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter5\shift.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter5\spread.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter5 simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter6\carriersense.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter6\distance.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter6\graph.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter6\inhibitsense.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter6\main.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter6\npcsma.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter6\paloha.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter6\position.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter6\README-Chap6.txt simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter6\saloha.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter6\snpisma.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter6\theorys.m simulation and software radio for mobile\Chapter6 simulation and software radio for mobile\Artech.House_2002_Simulation.and.Software.Radio.for.Mobile.Communications.pdf simulation and software radio for mobile