PCITV is a driver and TV viewing application for RISC OS, bringing television and fr a me capture to the desktop for under 30 pounds, the cost of the card. The driver is free and protected by the GPL, meaning that the source is also available. I hope this will encourage others to create drivers for other PCI cards-PCITV is a driver and TV viewing applicatio n for RISC OS, bringing television and fr a me capture to the de sktop for under 30 pounds. the cost of the card. The driver is free and prote cted by the GPL. meaning that the source is also available. I hop e this will encourage others to create drivers f or other PCI cards
压缩包 : 43680542pcitv008d.zip 列表 !PCITV/ !PCITV/!Boot !PCITV/!Help !PCITV/!Run !PCITV/!RunImage !PCITV/!Sprites !PCITV/c/ !PCITV/c/tv !PCITV/c/wimp !PCITV/h/ !PCITV/History !PCITV/h/bt878 !PCITV/h/tv !PCITV/h/wimp !PCITV/Makefile !PCITV/maps/ !PCITV/maps/australia !PCITV/maps/eeurope !PCITV/maps/france !PCITV/maps/ireland !PCITV/maps/usa_air !PCITV/maps/usa_cable !PCITV/maps/weurope !PCITV/s/ !PCITV/Sprites !PCITV/s/RegAccess !PCITV/Templates