此代码在SDT2.51下调试通过,可以在我的板子ARM DEVELOP BOARD V1.0上面跑!经测试也适应于恒丰公司S344BOX等采公板设计的开发板。在其上电以后LED会闪烁一下,接着串口0会输出一些系统信息
可以通过串口终端与系统交互,可以测试320X240 STN LCD,包括图形显示函数,ascii字符显示函数。-this code under the SDT2.51 debugging through, I can blame the ARM DEVELOP BOARD V1.0 above Run! After tests also adapted to Prudential and other mining companies S344BOX public board design development board. In his last -- after about LED blinks, Serial 0 then the output will be some system information through serial terminal and system interaction, can test the 320 X240 STN LCD, including graphic display function, ascii character display function.
可以通过串口终端与系统交互,可以测试320X240 STN LCD,包括图形显示函数,ascii字符显示函数。-this code under the SDT2.51 debugging through, I can blame the ARM DEVELOP BOARD V1.0 above Run! After tests also adapted to Prudential and other mining companies S344BOX public board design development board. In his last -- after about LED blinks, Serial 0 then the output will be some system information through serial terminal and system interaction, can test the 320 X240 STN LCD, including graphic display function, ascii character display function.
压缩包 : 6353530244boxtestdemo.rar 列表 LCD_LIB.PRJ readme.txt Debug\44binit.o Debug\44blib.o Debug\44blib_a.o Debug\44bmon.o Debug\44b_mon.axf Debug\44b_mon.bin Debug\Cache.o Debug\Glib.o Debug\lcd.o Debug\Lcdlib.o Debug\Memcfg.o Debug\Option.o Debug\Slib.o INC\44B.H INC\44BLIB.H INC\DEF.H INC\GLIB.H INC\Lcd.h INC\Lcd.h.bak INC\Lcdlib.h INC\Option.h INC\Slib.h INC\Slib.h.bak SRC\44binit.s SRC\44blib.c SRC\44BLIB_A.S SRC\44bmon.c SRC\44bmon.c.bak SRC\GLIB.C SRC\lcd.c SRC\lcd.c.bak SRC\Lcdlib.c SRC\MEMCFG.S SRC\Option.s SRC\Slib.c SRC\Slib.c.bak LCD_LIB.apj Debug INC SRC