S3C44BOX的BIOS。可使用的命令:help --- show help ? --- = help date --- show or set current date time --- show or set current time setweek --- set weekday clock --- show system running clock setmclk --- set system running clock setbaud ------ set baud rate ipcfg ------ show or set IP address load ------ load file to ram comload ------ load file from serial port run ------ run from sdram prog ------ program flash copy ------ copy flash from src to dst address boot ------ boot from flash backup ------ move bios to the top of flash md ------ show memory data move ------ move program from flash to sdram-S3C44BOX BIOS. Use the command : help show help ------ ------ ------ = help show date set current date or time or set ------ show current time setweek ---- -- set weekday show ------ clock system running clock setmclk ------ set system running clock setbaud set baud rate ------ ------ ipcfg show or set IP address load - ----- load file to ram comload ------ load file from serial port run ------ run from SDRAM prog ------ ------ program flash copy copy from flash src dst address boot to boot from flash ------ ------ backup bios move to the top of flash memory md show ------ ------ move data move from program to flash SDRAM
压缩包 : 481935bios.zip 列表 Bios/ Bios/Debug/ Bios/Debug/44BINIT.O Bios/Debug/44BLIB.O Bios/Debug/ALLOWIO.EXE Bios/Debug/Arp.o Bios/Debug/BOOT.BIN Bios/Debug/BSDL1.TMP Bios/Debug/BSDL2.TMP Bios/Debug/DEFAULT.FCD Bios/Debug/F.BAT Bios/Debug/Flash.o Bios/Debug/FLUTED.EXE Bios/Debug/Icmp.o Bios/Debug/Iic.o Bios/Debug/Ip.o Bios/Debug/Main.o Bios/Debug/MODEL.AXF Bios/Debug/MODEL.BIN Bios/Debug/Model.o Bios/Debug/NE2000.O Bios/Debug/Netutil.o Bios/Debug/Rtc.o Bios/Debug/S3C44B0X.BSD Bios/Debug/Shell.o Bios/Debug/Tftp.o Bios/Debug/Udp.o Bios/Debug/Util.o Bios/Inc/ Bios/Inc/44B.H Bios/Inc/44BLIB.H Bios/Inc/Def.h Bios/Inc/Flash.h Bios/Inc/iic.h Bios/Inc/Memcfg.s Bios/Inc/Option.h Bios/Inc/OPTION.S Bios/Inc/Rtc.h Bios/Inc/shell.h Bios/Mybios.apj Bios/Mybios.IAB Bios/Mybios.IAD Bios/Mybios.IMB Bios/Mybios.IMD Bios/Mybios.mcp Bios/Mybios.PFI Bios/Mybios.PO Bios/Mybios.PR Bios/Mybios.PRI Bios/Mybios.PS Bios/Mybios.WK3 Bios/Mybios_Data/ Bios/Mybios_Data/CWSettingsWindows.stg Bios/Mybios_Data/Debug/ Bios/Mybios_Data/Debug/Mybios.axf Bios/Mybios_Data/Debug/Mybios.bin Bios/Mybios_Data/Debug/ObjectCode/ Bios/Mybios_Data/Debug/ObjectCode/44BINIT.O Bios/Mybios_Data/Debug/ObjectCode/44BLIB.O Bios/Mybios_Data/Debug/ObjectCode/Arp.o Bios/Mybios_Data/Debug/ObjectCode/Flash.o Bios/Mybios_Data/Debug/ObjectCode/Icmp.o Bios/Mybios_Data/Debug/ObjectCode/Ip.o Bios/Mybios_Data/Debug/ObjectCode/Main.o Bios/Mybios_Data/Debug/ObjectCode/Ne2000.o Bios/Mybios_Data/Debug/ObjectCode/Rtc.o Bios/Mybios_Data/Debug/ObjectCode/Shell.o Bios/Mybios_Data/Debug/ObjectCode/Tftp.o Bios/Mybios_Data/Debug/ObjectCode/Udp.o Bios/Mybios_Data/Debug/ObjectCode/Util.o Bios/Mybios_Data/Debug/TargetDataWindows.tdt Bios/Mybios_Data/Release/ Bios/Mybios_Data/Release/TargetDataWindows.tdt Bios/Net/ Bios/Net/Armnet.h Bios/Net/Arp.c Bios/Net/Arp.h Bios/Net/Icmp.c Bios/Net/Icmp.h Bios/Net/Ip.c Bios/Net/Ip.h Bios/Net/NE2000.c Bios/Net/Ne2000.h Bios/Net/Necfg.h Bios/Net/Tftp.c Bios/Net/Tftp.h Bios/Net/Udp.c Bios/Net/Udp.h Bios/Net/Util.c Bios/Net/Util.h Bios/Readme.txt Bios/Src/ Bios/Src/44binit.s Bios/Src/44BLIB.C Bios/Src/Flash.c Bios/Src/Iic.c Bios/Src/Iic.c.bak Bios/Src/Main.c Bios/Src/Rtc.c Bios/Src/Shell.c