1、在 NT 系统中插、拔网线时,系统栏右下角都会冒出个气泡进行提示。它是怎样实现的呢,其实很简单,如果您感兴趣的话,不妨花几分钟看看我写的这个小程序。
2、特点:不依赖具体协议,直接读取中间层驱动接口,能够实时监控网线是否被插拔、网卡是否被插拔或禁用、流量监控。您可以与 Windows 的作对比,数据信息分毫不差哦。-1, NT system interpolation, pulling network lines, the system will lower right column out for 000 bubble suggested. It is how to achieve it does, in fact very simple, if you are interested, they may take a few minutes to look at what I wrote this small program. 2, characteristics : do not rely on specific agreements, direct read-layer interface, real-time monitoring and control network to whether the line was inserted. card was inserted, or whether to ban traffic monitoring. You can make the Windows contrast, data information snipe away, oh.
2、特点:不依赖具体协议,直接读取中间层驱动接口,能够实时监控网线是否被插拔、网卡是否被插拔或禁用、流量监控。您可以与 Windows 的作对比,数据信息分毫不差哦。-1, NT system interpolation, pulling network lines, the system will lower right column out for 000 bubble suggested. It is how to achieve it does, in fact very simple, if you are interested, they may take a few minutes to look at what I wrote this small program. 2, characteristics : do not rely on specific agreements, direct read-layer interface, real-time monitoring and control network to whether the line was inserted. card was inserted, or whether to ban traffic monitoring. You can make the Windows contrast, data information snipe away, oh.
压缩包 : 111186759adpspy.rar 列表 source source\AdpSpy.dpr source\AdpSpy.res source\AdpUtils.pas source\MainForm.dfm source\MainForm.pas AdpSpy.exe 说明.txt