
  • 所属分类:
  • 其它资源
  • 资源属性:
  • [Dephi] [Pascal] [源码]
  • 上传时间:
  • 2008-10-13
  • 文件大小:
  • 1.47mb
  • 下载次数:
  • 0次
  • 提 供 者:
  • 杨*
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  • 别用迅雷下载,失败请重下,重下不扣分!
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Ares Galaxy是一套非常不错的免费P2P档案分享软件。它拥有搜寻与下载档案速度飞快、自设代理服务器、自订聊天社群、内建多媒体播放器、内建浏览器以及自订媒体柜等等功能。它支持的档案格式非常众多,几乎所有的音乐、影片、图片、文件、软件等都下载得到。

Ares is a free open source file sharing program that enables users to share any digital file including images, audio, video, software, documents, etc.

You may now easily publish your files through the Ares decentralized network. As a member of the virtual community, you can search and download just about any file shared by other users.

With Ares you can also join chat rooms or host your channel and meet new friends.-Ares Galaxy is a very good free peer-to-peer file-sharing software. It has search and download files fast, self-imposed proxy server, set the chat groups, built-in multimedia player, built-in browser and the media set the counters and so on. It supports very large file format, almost all of the music, film, photographs, documents, software downloads to be so. Ares is a free open source file sharing program t hat enables users to share any digital file incl uding images, audio, video, software, documents, etc. You may now easily publish your files throu gh the Ares decentralized network. As a member o f the virtual community. you can search and download just about any file s hared by other users. With Ares you can also join chat rooms or host your channel and meet new 77.25 nds.


压缩包 : 19854793aresgalaxyv1.9.0.rar 列表
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Ares Galaxy V1.9.0\BitTorrent
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Ares Galaxy V1.9.0\DHT\dhtUtils.pas
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Ares Galaxy V1.9.0\DHT
Ares Galaxy V1.9.0\Drag_N_Drop.pas
Ares Galaxy V1.9.0\hashlist.pas
Ares Galaxy V1.9.0\heap_fix.pas
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Ares Galaxy V1.9.0\helper_ICH.pas
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Ares Galaxy V1.9.0\TcpIPPatcher\Readme.txt
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Ares Galaxy V1.9.0\TcpIPPatcher\TcpIpPatcherDll.res
Ares Galaxy V1.9.0\TcpIPPatcher
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Ares Galaxy V1.9.0\ufrmpvt.dfm
Ares Galaxy V1.9.0\ufrmpvt.pas
Ares Galaxy V1.9.0\umediar.pas
Ares Galaxy V1.9.0\Utility_ares.pas
Ares Galaxy V1.9.0\vars_global.pas
Ares Galaxy V1.9.0\vars_localiz.pas
Ares Galaxy V1.9.0\ZLib.pas
Ares Galaxy V1.9.0


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