此系统是应老师所布置的作业编制而成,该系统具有存贮学生数据,按学号、姓名查询,列出学生成绩和统计功能。\\n \\n 使用方法:系统输入数据后,将在当前目录中建立一个名为stu.dat文件,用于保存输入的数据。学号输入只能用数字输入,并且学号只能是10位。姓名输入符合中国人的姓名,只能用中文,且最长为5个汉字。\\n-this system is that teachers should layout compiled from the operation, the system is storing student data by school, Name inquiries, student performance and statistical functions. \\ N \\ n Use : data entry system, to the current establishment of a directory called stu.dat documents, for the preservation of the imported data. School No. imported only with digital input, and the university is only 10. Name importation of Chinese people's names, which can be used in Chinese, up to a maximum of five Chinese characters. \\ N
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