由于数字水印技术的研究工作在国内尚未完善,本文的研究工作主要在国内外学者和专家的研究工作的基础上进行的。本毕业设计的工作不能涵盖数字水印技术的各个方面,只是其中的一部分,对数字水印技术的深入研究需要将图像、通信、密码等多方面的知识结合起来,系统的进行研究。论文的主要工作和章节安排:-digital watermarking technology research in the country yet to be perfected. this research work mainly in the domestic and foreign scholars and experts from the research work conducted on the basis of. The graduate design work was not covered digital watermarking technology in all its aspects, is only one part of the digital watermarking technology in-depth research needs to images, communications, and many other passwords combine the knowledge, systematic study. The main papers and chapters :
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