学生登陆以后,可以选报课程。系统会根据学生所在系及课程的预修课判断(课程有系别,预修课等属性)。首先,系统会列出所有满足该生系别以及该生还未选报的课程,或者其预修课为“public”的课程。如果该生选报了未满足预修课要求的课程,系统会有相关的错误提示。 其次,学生可以查看自己的成绩,包括该生已选课程的名称,学分以及 该生的总分。如果教师还未给出成绩,则系统会有相关提示。 再次,该生可以更改自己的个人信息,包括密码,电话号码等,其中要求密码不能为空。
-courses and scores Management System developed a college student class performance management system, which from the landing module, students module, module teachers, administrators module, four components. Its functions are as follows : Student landing after reportedly can choose courses. Under the system where students of the faculties and courses taught pre-judgment (and other curriculum programs, such as pre-Taught attributes). First, the system will list all meet the Department of Health and the other health of the election have not yet courses its pre-taught or "public" courses. If the student reported the election did not meet requirements of the pre-taught courses related to the system will be error messages. Secondly, students can see their achievements, including that o
学生登陆以后,可以选报课程。系统会根据学生所在系及课程的预修课判断(课程有系别,预修课等属性)。首先,系统会列出所有满足该生系别以及该生还未选报的课程,或者其预修课为“public”的课程。如果该生选报了未满足预修课要求的课程,系统会有相关的错误提示。 其次,学生可以查看自己的成绩,包括该生已选课程的名称,学分以及 该生的总分。如果教师还未给出成绩,则系统会有相关提示。 再次,该生可以更改自己的个人信息,包括密码,电话号码等,其中要求密码不能为空。
-courses and scores Management System developed a college student class performance management system, which from the landing module, students module, module teachers, administrators module, four components. Its functions are as follows : Student landing after reportedly can choose courses. Under the system where students of the faculties and courses taught pre-judgment (and other curriculum programs, such as pre-Taught attributes). First, the system will list all meet the Department of Health and the other health of the election have not yet courses its pre-taught or "public" courses. If the student reported the election did not meet requirements of the pre-taught courses related to the system will be error messages. Secondly, students can see their achievements, including that o
压缩包 : 3772408512test(jsp servlet javabean sql_server).rar 列表 test test\AddClass.jsp test\Addcourse.jsp test\addstudent.jsp test\addteacher.jsp test\admin.jsp test\checkmark.jsp test\choosestu.jsp test\DisplayCourse.jsp test\displaystu.jsp test\errorpage.jsp test\getClass.jsp test\getcourse.jsp test\getStudent.jsp test\getteacher.jsp test\login.jsp test\marking.jsp test\public.jsp test\score.jsp test\student.jsp test\teacher.jsp test\updateClass.jsp test\updatecour.jsp test\updateinformation.jsp test\updatestu.jsp test\updateStudent.jsp test\updatestu_confirm.jsp test\updatetea.jsp test\WEB-INF test\WEB-INF\classes test\WEB-INF\classes\checkEnrol.java test\WEB-INF\classes\classp.java test\WEB-INF\classes\ClassSvlt.java test\WEB-INF\classes\course.java test\WEB-INF\classes\CourseSvlt.java test\WEB-INF\classes\determine.java test\WEB-INF\classes\login_confirm.java test\WEB-INF\classes\MarkSvlt.java test\WEB-INF\classes\sqlBean.java test\WEB-INF\classes\student.java test\WEB-INF\classes\StudentLoginSvlt.java test\WEB-INF\classes\StudentSvlt.java test\WEB-INF\classes\teacher.java test\WEB-INF\classes\TeacherSvlt.java test\WEB-INF\jsp test\WEB-INF\lib test\WEB-INF\tmp test\WEB-INF\web.xml test\WEB-INF\work mycodes.net说明.txt 源码之家.url