PMP是目前半導體供應商討論極熱烈的一個話題,然而對這種新興設備的市場前景,業界可謂眾說紛紜。本文引用了領先IC廠商的觀點,以供大家參考。針對層出不窮的PMP處理器和解決方案,本文從處理能力、支持的視頻格式、功耗等多方面進行了比較。最後,本文探討了PMP的未來技術發展趨勢以及面臨的障礙。 -semiconductor suppliers on a very warm topic, But for this emerging market prospects equipment, the industry has been a wide. This paper quoted a leading IC manufacturers point of view, for your reference. Against the endless PMP processors and solutions, paper handling capacity to support the video formats, power consumption for many more. Finally, the paper discusses the PMP future technology trends and the obstacles faced.
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