MFFM Bit Stream
A C++ heirachy for reading and writing bit streams. Implemented for maximum efficiency/ease of use. Write or read bit streams for audio and video protocols such as mpeg (mp3), H.263, etc. Many parallel streams could be used in logic syntax streams as well
Operating System: OS Independent (Written in an interpreted language)-MFFM A Bit Stream C heirachy for reading and writing bit streams. Implemented for maximum e fficiency / ease of use. Write or read bit stream s for audio and video protocols such as mpeg (mp3 ), H.263, etc. Many parallel streams could be used in logi c syntax streams as well Operating System : OS Independent (Written in an interpreted lang uage)
A C++ heirachy for reading and writing bit streams. Implemented for maximum efficiency/ease of use. Write or read bit streams for audio and video protocols such as mpeg (mp3), H.263, etc. Many parallel streams could be used in logic syntax streams as well
Operating System: OS Independent (Written in an interpreted language)-MFFM A Bit Stream C heirachy for reading and writing bit streams. Implemented for maximum e fficiency / ease of use. Write or read bit stream s for audio and video protocols such as mpeg (mp3 ), H.263, etc. Many parallel streams could be used in logi c syntax streams as well Operating System : OS Independent (Written in an interpreted lang uage)
压缩包 : 59564336mffmbitstream.zip 列表 MFFMBitStream/ MFFMBitStream/bitStreamBase.H MFFMBitStream/bitStreamRead.H MFFMBitStream/bitStreamTest.C MFFMBitStream/bitStreamWrite.H MFFMBitStream/Changelog MFFMBitStream/Doxyfile MFFMBitStream/html/ MFFMBitStream/html/annotated.html MFFMBitStream/html/bitStreamBase_8H-source.html MFFMBitStream/html/bitStreamBase_8H.html MFFMBitStream/html/bitStreamRead_8H-source.html MFFMBitStream/html/bitStreamRead_8H.html MFFMBitStream/html/bitStreamTest_8C-example.html MFFMBitStream/html/bitStreamWrite_8H-source.html MFFMBitStream/html/bitStreamWrite_8H.html MFFMBitStream/html/classBitStreamBase-members.html MFFMBitStream/html/classBitStreamBase.html MFFMBitStream/html/classBitStreamBase.png MFFMBitStream/html/classBitStreamRead-members.html MFFMBitStream/html/classBitStreamRead.html MFFMBitStream/html/classBitStreamRead.png MFFMBitStream/html/classBitStreamWrite-members.html MFFMBitStream/html/classBitStreamWrite.html MFFMBitStream/html/classBitStreamWrite.png MFFMBitStream/html/doxygen.css MFFMBitStream/html/doxygen.png MFFMBitStream/html/examples.html MFFMBitStream/html/files.html MFFMBitStream/html/functions.html MFFMBitStream/html/functions_func.html MFFMBitStream/html/functions_vars.html MFFMBitStream/html/globals.html MFFMBitStream/html/globals_defs.html MFFMBitStream/html/hierarchy.html MFFMBitStream/html/index.html MFFMBitStream/html/namespaces.html MFFMBitStream/html/namespacestd.html MFFMBitStream/License.txt.gpl MFFMBitStream/Makefile MFFMBitStream/README