好SCL和SDA。在标准8051模式(12 Clock)下,对主频要求是不高于12MHz(即1个
机器周期1us) 若Fosc>12MHz则要增加相应的NOP指令数。(总线时序符合I2C标
准模式,100Kbit/S)-simulation package contains the I2C operation of the bottom subroutine, prior to the use of a good definition of SCL and SDA. The standard model 8051 (12 Clock), the speed requirement is no more than 12MHz (that is, a machine cycle TI) if Fosc
好SCL和SDA。在标准8051模式(12 Clock)下,对主频要求是不高于12MHz(即1个
机器周期1us) 若Fosc>12MHz则要增加相应的NOP指令数。(总线时序符合I2C标
准模式,100Kbit/S)-simulation package contains the I2C operation of the bottom subroutine, prior to the use of a good definition of SCL and SDA. The standard model 8051 (12 Clock), the speed requirement is no more than 12MHz (that is, a machine cycle TI) if Fosc
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