eForth is a small portable Forth design for a wide range of microprocessors. This is the first implementation for 8086.
As machine dependency is consolidated into 31 code words, moving eForth to other CPU s will be much less of a chore comparing to other Forth models. -eForth is a small portable Forth design for a wide range of microprocessors. This is the first implementation for 8086. As machine dependency is consolidated into 31 code words, moving eForth to other CPU s will be much less of a chore comparing to other Forth models.
As machine dependency is consolidated into 31 code words, moving eForth to other CPU s will be much less of a chore comparing to other Forth models. -eForth is a small portable Forth design for a wide range of microprocessors. This is the first implementation for 8086. As machine dependency is consolidated into 31 code words, moving eForth to other CPU s will be much less of a chore comparing to other Forth models.
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