用C编写基于凌阳SPCE061A芯片的图象识别模块可实现(1)获得数据并处理。(2)控制按扭KEY1,播放物体的形状和颜色。(3)分辩的颜色:红色、绿色、蓝色、黄色。(4)分辩的形状:正方形、长方形、圆形、三角形。(5)控制按键KEY2,小车跟着红色的物体移动,别的颜色不做跟踪。-prepared based on the C Sunplus SPCE061A chip image recognition module can be realized (1) access to data and handled. (2) the control buttons KEY1 broadcast the shape of the object and color. (3) differentiate colors : red, green, blue and yellow. (4) distinguish shapes : square, rectangular, circular, triangular. (5) KEY2 control buttons, a red car with mobile objects, not another color tracking.
压缩包 : 101259354eagle_lookaround.rar 列表 hardware.asm hardware.inc lookaround.asm main.c master.asm Resource.asm Resource.inc VR_Function.c a2000.inc eagle3.inc Find_Color_Shape.asm FIQ.asm