文件名称:[反作弊][汉化98%]AAC - 1.9.4
Combat - 战斗类
- AutoClicker - 连点器
- KillAura - 杀戮光环
- MultiAction - 射箭/吃东西时攻击
- Criticals - 自动暴击- BowAimbot - 弓箭自动瞄准
Exploit - 漏洞类
- Some types of ServerCrasher - 一些类型的崩服器
Movement - 移动类
- Fly - 飞行
- LiquidWalk - 水上行走
- NoSlow - 使用物品时不减速
- SlimeJump - 粘液块飞行
- Speed - 加速
- Step - 快速走上方块
- Strafe - 灵活的移动
Player - 玩家类
- NoFall - 无摔落伤害
- FastUse 快速使用物品
Render - 地图类
- HealthTag - 血量显示
- PlayerESP - 玩家透视
- StorageESP - 箱子透视
- Freecam - 灵魂出窍
World - 世界类
- Scaffold - 自动搭路
- ChestStealer - 快速拿箱子(Combat - combat class
-Autoclicker - connector
-Killaura - the halo of killing
-Multi action - attack when archery / eating
-Criticals - Auto crit - bowaimbot - bow auto aim
Exploit - vulnerability class
-Some types of servercrasher
Move - move class
-Fly - flying
-Liquidwalk - walking on water
-Noslow - do not slow down when using items
-Slimejump - slime block flight
-Speed - acceleration
-Step - get on the block quickly
-Strafe - flexible mobility
Player - player class
-Nofall - no fall damage
-Fastuse fast use items
Render - map class
-Healthtag - blood volume display
-Player ESP - player Perspective
-Storageesp - box Perspective
-Freecam - out of body
World - world class
-Scaffold - Autopass
-Cheststeeler - get the box quickly)
Combat - 战斗类
- AutoClicker - 连点器
- KillAura - 杀戮光环
- MultiAction - 射箭/吃东西时攻击
- Criticals - 自动暴击- BowAimbot - 弓箭自动瞄准
Exploit - 漏洞类
- Some types of ServerCrasher - 一些类型的崩服器
Movement - 移动类
- Fly - 飞行
- LiquidWalk - 水上行走
- NoSlow - 使用物品时不减速
- SlimeJump - 粘液块飞行
- Speed - 加速
- Step - 快速走上方块
- Strafe - 灵活的移动
Player - 玩家类
- NoFall - 无摔落伤害
- FastUse 快速使用物品
Render - 地图类
- HealthTag - 血量显示
- PlayerESP - 玩家透视
- StorageESP - 箱子透视
- Freecam - 灵魂出窍
World - 世界类
- Scaffold - 自动搭路
- ChestStealer - 快速拿箱子(Combat - combat class
-Autoclicker - connector
-Killaura - the halo of killing
-Multi action - attack when archery / eating
-Criticals - Auto crit - bowaimbot - bow auto aim
Exploit - vulnerability class
-Some types of servercrasher
Move - move class
-Fly - flying
-Liquidwalk - walking on water
-Noslow - do not slow down when using items
-Slimejump - slime block flight
-Speed - acceleration
-Step - get on the block quickly
-Strafe - flexible mobility
Player - player class
-Nofall - no fall damage
-Fastuse fast use items
Render - map class
-Healthtag - blood volume display
-Player ESP - player Perspective
-Storageesp - box Perspective
-Freecam - out of body
World - world class
-Scaffold - Autopass
-Cheststeeler - get the box quickly)
文件名 | 大小 | 更新时间 |
[反作弊][汉化98%]AAC - 1.9.4.jar | 578458 | 2016-07-24 |