采用Visual Studio 2010基于ArcEngine 10.1开发,采用C#开发语言,基于.Net fr a mework 4.0运行环境.可以打开ArcGIS支持的所有数据格式,支持将数据保存为mxd地图文档。支持图层移动,渲染功能,支持常用的GIS操作,如放大、缩小、漫游等。能够查看矢量图层的属性表,并进行条件选择,在地图上高亮显示。能够显示鼠标当前所指的要素属性信息,鼠标滑过教学楼可以显示其名字和类型(通过配置实现,本软件只配置了建筑物图层)。能够进行最短路径分析,根据手动选取的起止位置,生成可能的导航路径,显示最优的三条路径信息(按最短时间、最短距离、经过对象(建筑物)最多)。
注:本程序是比较基础的路径规划实验,代码量较小,由于实验数据较大超过了限制,并未上传,但给出了数据制作方式。如有需要原始实验数据的话请留言。(Developed by Visual Studio 2010 based on ArcEngine 10.1, using C # development language and running environment based on .Net fr a mework 4.0. Support layer movement, rendering function, support common GIS operations, such as zooming, zooming, roaming, etc. It can view the attribute table of the vector layer and select the condition, which can be highlighted on the map. It can display the attribute information of the elements that the mouse currently refers to, and the name and type of the building can be displayed by sliding the mouse across the teaching building (through configuration, this software only configures the building layer). The shortest path analysis can be carried out, and the possible navigation paths can be generated according to the manually selected starting and ending positions, showing the optimal three path information (according to the shortest time, the shortest distance and the most objects (buildings).)
注:本程序是比较基础的路径规划实验,代码量较小,由于实验数据较大超过了限制,并未上传,但给出了数据制作方式。如有需要原始实验数据的话请留言。(Developed by Visual Studio 2010 based on ArcEngine 10.1, using C # development language and running environment based on .Net fr a mework 4.0. Support layer movement, rendering function, support common GIS operations, such as zooming, zooming, roaming, etc. It can view the attribute table of the vector layer and select the condition, which can be highlighted on the map. It can display the attribute information of the elements that the mouse currently refers to, and the name and type of the building can be displayed by sliding the mouse across the teaching building (through configuration, this software only configures the building layer). The shortest path analysis can be carried out, and the possible navigation paths can be generated according to the manually selected starting and ending positions, showing the optimal three path information (according to the shortest time, the shortest distance and the most objects (buildings).)
文件名 | 大小 | 更新时间 |
app.config | 161 | 2016-11-03 |
App.ico | 1078 | 2008-11-17 |
AssemblyInfo.cs | 1348 | 2016-11-01 |
Bin | 0 | 2016-11-04 |
Bin\Release | 0 | 2016-11-04 |
Bin\Release\ShortestPath.exe | 118784 | 2016-11-04 |
Bin\Release\ShortestPath.exe.config | 161 | 2016-11-03 |
Bin\Release\ShortestPath.pdb | 148992 | 2016-11-04 |
Bin\Release\ShortestPath.vshost.exe | 24224 | 2016-11-05 |
Bin\Release\ShortestPath.vshost.exe.config | 161 | 2016-11-03 |
Bin\Release\ShortestPath.vshost.exe.manifest | 490 | 2016-07-16 |
cmdClearAnalysisLayer.cs | 2544 | 2016-11-03 |
cmdLoadLocations.cs | 3139 | 2016-11-04 |
cmdNALayerProperties.cs | 1586 | 2016-11-03 |
cmdNAProperties.cs | 907 | 2016-11-03 |
cmdRemoveLayer.cs | 1449 | 2016-11-03 |
cmdSolve.cs | 2809 | 2016-11-04 |
CommonFunctions.cs | 1663 | 2016-11-04 |
frmAttribute.cs | 6083 | 2016-11-03 |
frmAttribute.Designer.cs | 5172 | 2016-11-03 |
frmAttribute.resx | 6025 | 2016-11-03 |
frmLoadLocations.cs | 13380 | 2016-11-04 |
frmLoadLocations.resx | 5814 | 2016-11-03 |
frmMain.cs | 38525 | 2016-11-04 |
frmMain.resx | 13427 | 2016-11-04 |
frmNALayerProperties.cs | 162715 | 2016-11-04 |
frmNALayerProperties.resx | 6946 | 2016-11-04 |
frmNAProperties.cs | 9240 | 2016-11-04 |
frmNAProperties.resx | 5814 | 2016-11-04 |
obj | 0 | 2016-11-04 |
obj\x86 | 0 | 2016-11-04 |
obj\x86\Debug | 0 | 2016-11-04 |
obj\x86\Debug\DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferences.cache | 126308 | 2016-11-03 |
obj\x86\Debug\DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache | 8240 | 2016-11-04 |
obj\x86\Debug\NAEngine.exe | 102400 | 2016-11-03 |
obj\x86\Debug\NAEngine.pdb | 101888 | 2016-11-03 |
obj\x86\Debug\NAEngine2010.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt | 1391 | 2016-11-03 |
obj\x86\Debug\NAEngine2010.csproj.GenerateResource.Cache | 1116 | 2016-11-03 |
obj\x86\Debug\NAEngine2010.csprojResolveAssemblyReference.cache | 139264 | 2016-11-03 |
obj\x86\Debug\ShortestPath.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt | 2769 | 2016-11-05 |
obj\x86\Debug\ShortestPath.csproj.GenerateResource.Cache | 1181 | 2016-11-04 |
obj\x86\Debug\ShortestPath.csprojResolveAssemblyReference.cache | 243742 | 2016-11-04 |
obj\x86\Debug\ShortestPath.exe | 118784 | 2016-11-04 |
obj\x86\Debug\ShortestPath.frmAttribute.resources | 180 | 2016-11-04 |
obj\x86\Debug\ShortestPath.frmLoadLocations.resources | 180 | 2016-11-04 |
obj\x86\Debug\ShortestPath.frmMain.resources | 4837 | 2016-11-04 |
obj\x86\Debug\ShortestPath.frmNALayerProperties.resources | 180 | 2016-11-04 |
obj\x86\Debug\ShortestPath.frmNAProperties.resources | 180 | 2016-11-04 |
obj\x86\Debug\ShortestPath.pdb | 148992 | 2016-11-04 |
obj\x86\Debug\TempPE | 0 | 2016-11-03 |
Program.cs | 856 | 2016-11-03 |
RouteClass.cs | 18353 | 2016-11-04 |
ShortestPath.csproj | 14360 | 2016-11-04 |
ShortestPath.csproj.user | 546 | 2016-11-03 |
ShortestPath.sln | 860 | 2016-11-03 |
ShortestPath.v12.suo | 79360 | 2016-11-05 |
校园导航-说明文档.docx | 9719431 | 2019-03-12 |