本源码是利用Winsock Api写的一款基于TCP/IP协议的通讯软件
对新手学习Windows Socket Api 是很好的资料-the source is the use of Winsock Api write-based TCP / IP communications software for novice Windows Socket Api learning is a very good information
对新手学习Windows Socket Api 是很好的资料-the source is the use of Winsock Api write-based TCP / IP communications software for novice Windows Socket Api learning is a very good information
压缩包 : 25811245winsocktester.rar 列表 ProjectGroup1.bpg Client\main.ddp Client\main.dfm Client\main.pas Client\WinsockTester.cfg Client\WinsockTester.dof Client\WinsockTester.dpr Client\WinsockTester.exe Client\WinsockTester.res Client Server\Server.cfg Server\Server.dof Server\Server.dpr Server\Server.exe Server\Server.res Server\SocketServer.pas Server\ServerMain.pas Server\ServerMain.dfm Server\ServerMain.ddp Server