本文用C语言编了24点游戏程序。与计算机玩24点还有个好处,解决了用扑克牌玩时的缺陷——有时候谁也无法确定四个数到底能不能算出24点。本程序的基本思路是:先由计算机产生四个随机数,然后将其中的两个数进行加减乘除四则运算,把计算结果分别再与第三个数进行四则运算,再把结果与第四个数进行四则运算,然后轮换四个数的顺序按以上步骤重复运算-Using C language compiled the 24 point game. Playing with the computer also has a 24 point advantage. the settlement with playing cards when the defect -- who are sometimes unable to determine the number four in the end can produce 24 points. This program is the basic ideas : first computer-generated random number four, then the two conducted a four arithmetic computation. calculating the results were third with four numbers for computing, and the results for the fourth number four computation, then four rotation sequence by the number of repeat the above steps Operational
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