结合GPU高性能编程,提供实战样例程序,包含矩阵乘法,原子操作,热传导,多GPU,多流的代码(Combined with GPU high performance programming, it provides actual sample program, including matrix multiplication, atomic operation, heat conduction, multi GPU, and multi stream code.)
文件名 | 大小 | 更新时间 |
GPU高性能编程CUDA实战—示例代码\appendix_a\dot.cu | 3918 | 2010-09-28 |
GPU高性能编程CUDA实战—示例代码\appendix_a\hashtable_cpu.cu | 3171 | 2010-09-28 |
GPU高性能编程CUDA实战—示例代码\appendix_a\hashtable_gpu.cu | 6399 | 2010-09-28 |
GPU高性能编程CUDA实战—示例代码\appendix_a\lock.h | 1130 | 2010-09-28 |
GPU高性能编程CUDA实战—示例代码\bin\glut32.dll | 237568 | 2010-09-28 |
GPU高性能编程CUDA实战—示例代码\bin\glut64.dll | 272896 | 2010-09-28 |
GPU高性能编程CUDA实战—示例代码\chapter03\enum_gpu.cu | 2638 | 2010-09-28 |
GPU高性能编程CUDA实战—示例代码\chapter03\hello_world.cu | 731 | 2010-09-28 |
GPU高性能编程CUDA实战—示例代码\chapter03\set_gpu.cu | 1091 | 2010-09-28 |
GPU高性能编程CUDA实战—示例代码\chapter03\simple_device_call.cu | 1163 | 2010-09-28 |
GPU高性能编程CUDA实战—示例代码\chapter03\simple_kernel.cu | 794 | 2010-09-28 |
GPU高性能编程CUDA实战—示例代码\chapter03\simple_kernel_params.cu | 1087 | 2010-09-28 |
GPU高性能编程CUDA实战—示例代码\chapter04\add_loop_cpu.cu | 1254 | 2010-09-28 |
GPU高性能编程CUDA实战—示例代码\chapter04\add_loop_gpu.cu | 2130 | 2010-09-28 |
GPU高性能编程CUDA实战—示例代码\chapter04\add_loop_long.cu | 2582 | 2010-09-28 |
GPU高性能编程CUDA实战—示例代码\chapter04\julia_cpu.cu | 2005 | 2010-09-28 |
GPU高性能编程CUDA实战—示例代码\chapter04\julia_gpu.cu | 2650 | 2010-09-28 |
GPU高性能编程CUDA实战—示例代码\chapter05\add_loop_blocks.cu | 2078 | 2010-09-28 |
GPU高性能编程CUDA实战—示例代码\chapter05\add_loop_long_blocks.cu | 2624 | 2010-09-28 |
GPU高性能编程CUDA实战—示例代码\chapter05\dot.cu | 3614 | 2010-09-28 |
GPU高性能编程CUDA实战—示例代码\chapter05\ripple.cu | 2469 | 2010-09-28 |
GPU高性能编程CUDA实战—示例代码\chapter05\shared_bitmap.cu | 2422 | 2010-09-28 |
GPU高性能编程CUDA实战—示例代码\chapter06\ray.cu | 4311 | 2010-09-28 |
GPU高性能编程CUDA实战—示例代码\chapter06\ray_noconst.cu | 4573 | 2010-09-28 |
GPU高性能编程CUDA实战—示例代码\chapter07\heat.cu | 7522 | 2010-09-28 |
GPU高性能编程CUDA实战—示例代码\chapter07\heat_2d.cu | 7020 | 2010-09-28 |
GPU高性能编程CUDA实战—示例代码\chapter08\basic_interop.cu | 4828 | 2010-09-28 |
GPU高性能编程CUDA实战—示例代码\chapter08\heat.cu | 7088 | 2010-09-28 |
GPU高性能编程CUDA实战—示例代码\chapter08\ripple.cu | 1764 | 2010-09-28 |
GPU高性能编程CUDA实战—示例代码\chapter09\hist_cpu.cu | 1437 | 2010-09-28 |
GPU高性能编程CUDA实战—示例代码\chapter09\hist_gpu_gmem_atomics.cu | 3506 | 2010-09-28 |
GPU高性能编程CUDA实战—示例代码\chapter09\hist_gpu_shmem_atomics.cu | 4316 | 2010-09-28 |
GPU高性能编程CUDA实战—示例代码\chapter10\basic_double_stream.cu | 6064 | 2010-09-28 |
GPU高性能编程CUDA实战—示例代码\chapter10\basic_double_stream_correct.cu | 6059 | 2010-09-28 |
GPU高性能编程CUDA实战—示例代码\chapter10\basic_single_stream.cu | 4587 | 2010-09-28 |
GPU高性能编程CUDA实战—示例代码\chapter10\copy_timed.cu | 4472 | 2010-09-28 |
GPU高性能编程CUDA实战—示例代码\chapter11\multidevice.cu | 4727 | 2010-09-28 |
GPU高性能编程CUDA实战—示例代码\chapter11\portable.cu | 5322 | 2010-09-28 |
GPU高性能编程CUDA实战—示例代码\chapter11\time_zero2.cu | 7109 | 2010-09-28 |
GPU高性能编程CUDA实战—示例代码\common\book.h | 5887 | 2010-09-28 |
GPU高性能编程CUDA实战—示例代码\common\cpu_anim.h | 4049 | 2010-09-28 |
GPU高性能编程CUDA实战—示例代码\common\cpu_bitmap.h | 2711 | 2010-09-28 |
GPU高性能编程CUDA实战—示例代码\common\GL\glext.h | 378608 | 2010-09-28 |
GPU高性能编程CUDA实战—示例代码\common\GL\glut.h | 27670 | 2010-09-28 |
GPU高性能编程CUDA实战—示例代码\common\gl_helper.h | 1759 | 2010-09-28 |
GPU高性能编程CUDA实战—示例代码\common\gpu_anim.h | 5868 | 2010-09-28 |
GPU高性能编程CUDA实战—示例代码\lib\glut32.lib | 28728 | 2010-09-28 |
GPU高性能编程CUDA实战—示例代码\lib\glut64.lib | 26180 | 2010-09-28 |
GPU高性能编程CUDA实战—示例代码\license.txt | 11751 | 2010-09-28 |
GPU高性能编程CUDA实战—示例代码\README.txt | 6739 | 2010-09-28 |
GPU高性能编程CUDA实战—示例代码\common\GL | 0 | 2010-09-28 |
GPU高性能编程CUDA实战—示例代码\appendix_a | 0 | 2010-09-28 |
GPU高性能编程CUDA实战—示例代码\bin | 0 | 2010-09-28 |
GPU高性能编程CUDA实战—示例代码\chapter03 | 0 | 2010-09-28 |
GPU高性能编程CUDA实战—示例代码\chapter04 | 0 | 2010-09-28 |
GPU高性能编程CUDA实战—示例代码\chapter05 | 0 | 2010-09-28 |
GPU高性能编程CUDA实战—示例代码\chapter06 | 0 | 2010-09-28 |
GPU高性能编程CUDA实战—示例代码\chapter07 | 0 | 2010-09-28 |
GPU高性能编程CUDA实战—示例代码\chapter08 | 0 | 2010-09-28 |
GPU高性能编程CUDA实战—示例代码\chapter09 | 0 | 2010-09-28 |
GPU高性能编程CUDA实战—示例代码\chapter10 | 0 | 2010-09-28 |
GPU高性能编程CUDA实战—示例代码\chapter11 | 0 | 2010-09-28 |
GPU高性能编程CUDA实战—示例代码\common | 0 | 2010-09-28 |
GPU高性能编程CUDA实战—示例代码\lib | 0 | 2010-09-28 |
GPU高性能编程CUDA实战—示例代码 | 0 | 2016-09-06 |