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本书包括 Python 程序设计的方方面面: 首先, 从 Python 的安装开始, 随后介绍了 Python 的基础知识
和基本概念, 包括列表、 元组、 字符串、 字典以及各种语句; 然后, 循序渐进地介绍了一些相对高级的主
题, 包括抽象、 异常、 魔法方法、 属性、 迭代器; 此后, 探讨了如何将 Python 与数据库、 网络、 C 语言等
工具结合使用, 从而发挥出 Python 的强大功能, 同时介绍了 Python 程序测试、 打包、 发布等知识; 最后,
作者结合前面讲述的内容, 按照实际项目开发的步骤向读者介绍了 10 个具有实际意义的 Python 项目的开
本书内容涉及的范围较广, 既能为初学者夯实基础, 又能帮助程序员提升技能, 适合各个层次的
Python 开发人员阅读参考(This book covers all aspects of Python programming: First, starting with the installation of Python, then introduces the basics of Python.
And basic concepts, including lists, tuples, strings, dictionaries, and various statements; then, a step-by-step introduction to some relatively advanced masters
Questions, including abstractions, exceptions, magic methods, properties, iterators; after that, explore how to put Python with databases, networks, C, etc.
The tools are combined to take advantage of the power of Python, as well as Python program testing, packaging, publishing, etc. Finally,
In conjunction with the previous content, the author introduces the reader to the opening of 10 practical Python projects according to the actual project development steps.
The process.
The content of this book covers a wide range, which can not only lay a solid foundation for beginners, but also help programmers improve their skills, suitable for all levels.
Python developers read the reference)
相关搜索: python



Python基础教程(第3版).pdf 4824918 2018-09-14


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