MSP430-JTAG-Adapter:MSP430-JTAG doesn’t need external power supply, as MSP430 microcontrollers require only 3-5 mA while programming and all necessary
power supply is taken from the LPT port.-MSP430 - JTAG-Adapter : MSP430 - JTAG does not need external power supply, as MSP430 microcontrollers require only 3-5 mA while programming and all necessary power supply is taken from the LPT port.
power supply is taken from the LPT port.-MSP430 - JTAG-Adapter : MSP430 - JTAG does not need external power supply, as MSP430 microcontrollers require only 3-5 mA while programming and all necessary power supply is taken from the LPT port.
压缩包 : 23825782msp430-jtag-adapter.rar 列表 轻松制作MSP430-JTAG-Adapter.pdf