圆形缓冲区的一个有用特性是:当一个数据元素被用掉后,其余数据元素不需要移动其存储位置。相反,一个非圆形缓冲区(例如一个普通的队列)在用掉一个数据元素后,其余数据元素需要向前搬移。换句话说,圆形缓冲区适合实现先进先出缓冲区,而非圆形缓冲区适合后进先出缓冲区。(One of the useful properties of the circular buffer is: when a data element is used up, the rest of the data elements without moving the storage location. On the contrary, a non circular buffer (e.g. a common queue) in a data element, the data elements need to move before. In other words the circular buffer, for the realization of a FIFO buffer, instead of circular buffer for LIFO buffer.)
相关搜索: 环形数组
文件名 | 大小 | 更新时间 |
ringbuff.c | 5360 | 2018-03-21 |