网上书店的需求分析、网上书店总体规划、网上书店系统的功能和实施方案、网上书店的传播与推广、运行网上书店系统的软件和硬件配置、网上书店的管理系统和管理方法等等。网上书店具体实施的质素直接影响传统书店在Internet的实际效果和经济效益,这不仅是技术问题,同时也涉及到管理的因素。(The demand analysis of the online bookstore, the overall planning of the online bookstore, the function and implementation of the online bookstore system, the dissemination and promotion of the online bookstore, the software and hardware configuration of the online bookstore system, the management system and management methods of the online bookstore, etc. The quality of the specific implementation of the online bookstore directly affects the actual effects and economic benefits of the traditional bookstore in Internet, which is not only a technical problem, but also involves the management factors.)
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