管理员对商品评价管理;(The PHPSHE online business city system has all the basic functions needed by the retail business of e-commerce, which is issued and modified by its advantages, such as security, stability, easy to use, high efficiency, and so on, deleting commodity information, multilevel classification retrieval and multi attribute retrieval, etc.
Administrators can manage brand names, pictures, descr iptions and so on.
Administrators can manage commodity specifications, such as size, color, set meal and so on.
The management of commodity evaluation by the administrator;)
管理员对商品评价管理;(The PHPSHE online business city system has all the basic functions needed by the retail business of e-commerce, which is issued and modified by its advantages, such as security, stability, easy to use, high efficiency, and so on, deleting commodity information, multilevel classification retrieval and multi attribute retrieval, etc.
Administrators can manage brand names, pictures, descr iptions and so on.
Administrators can manage commodity specifications, such as size, color, set meal and so on.
The management of commodity evaluation by the administrator;)
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