PCI板卡的helloworld,直接通过cycloneFPGA实现。内含quartus工程和altium designer6.9工程。(The HelloWorld of the PCI card is implemented directly through the cycloneFPGA. It contains quartus engineering and Altium designer6.9 project.)
相关搜索: FPGA直接实现PCI
文件名 | 大小 | 更新时间 |
helloPCI | 0 | 2017-12-22 |
helloPCI\altiumPrj | 0 | 2018-03-18 |
helloPCI\altiumPrj\PCI.PcbLib | 549376 | 2018-01-06 |
helloPCI\altiumPrj\PCI.PRJPCB | 36872 | 2018-03-18 |
helloPCI\altiumPrj\PCI.SchLib | 11264 | 2017-11-18 |
helloPCI\altiumPrj\PCITest.PcbDoc | 1380352 | 2017-11-21 |
helloPCI\altiumPrj\PCITest.SchDoc | 1287168 | 2017-11-30 |
helloPCI\altiumPrj\__Previews | 0 | 2017-12-22 |
helloPCI\altiumPrj\__Previews\PCITest.PcbDocPreview | 80603 | 2017-11-30 |
helloPCI\altiumPrj\__Previews\PCITest.SchDocPreview | 178711 | 2017-12-01 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj | 0 | 2017-12-22 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\db | 0 | 2017-12-22 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\db\altsyncram_80p3.tdf | 169713 | 2017-12-16 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\db\altsyncram_e0p3.tdf | 172977 | 2017-12-16 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\db\cmpr_j4c.tdf | 1590 | 2017-12-16 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\db\cmpr_m4c.tdf | 1822 | 2017-12-16 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\db\cmpr_q4c.tdf | 2141 | 2017-12-16 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\db\cntr_06i.tdf | 4942 | 2017-12-16 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\db\cntr_36i.tdf | 4942 | 2017-12-16 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\db\cntr_a4i.tdf | 4017 | 2017-12-16 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\db\cntr_eqi.tdf | 3958 | 2017-12-16 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\db\cntr_umi.tdf | 3315 | 2017-12-16 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\db\decode_9jf.tdf | 1559 | 2017-12-16 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\db\helloPCI.(0).cnf.cdb | 3602 | 2017-12-21 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\db\helloPCI.(0).cnf.hdb | 1589 | 2017-12-21 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\db\helloPCI.(1).cnf.cdb | 1562 | 2017-12-21 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\db\helloPCI.(1).cnf.hdb | 1140 | 2017-12-21 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\db\helloPCI.(2).cnf.cdb | 1786 | 2017-12-21 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\db\helloPCI.(2).cnf.hdb | 1012 | 2017-12-21 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\db\helloPCI.(3).cnf.cdb | 39730 | 2017-12-21 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\db\helloPCI.(3).cnf.hdb | 6340 | 2017-12-21 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\db\helloPCI.ace_cmp.bpm | 973 | 2017-12-16 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\db\helloPCI.ace_cmp.cdb | 81794 | 2017-12-16 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\db\helloPCI.ace_cmp.ecobp | 28 | 2017-12-16 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\db\helloPCI.ace_cmp.hdb | 20605 | 2017-12-16 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\db\helloPCI.asm.qmsg | 2035 | 2017-12-21 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\db\helloPCI.cbx.xml | 90 | 2017-12-21 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\db\helloPCI.cmp.bpm | 942 | 2017-12-21 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\db\helloPCI.cmp.cdb | 60897 | 2017-12-21 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\db\helloPCI.cmp.ecobp | 28 | 2017-12-21 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\db\helloPCI.cmp.hdb | 16923 | 2017-12-21 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\db\helloPCI.cmp.kpt | 339 | 2017-12-21 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\db\helloPCI.cmp.logdb | 4 | 2017-12-21 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\db\helloPCI.cmp.rdb | 36921 | 2017-12-21 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\db\helloPCI.cmp.tdb | 51873 | 2017-12-21 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\db\helloPCI.cmp0.ddb | 67223 | 2017-12-21 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\db\helloPCI.cmp_merge.kpt | 345 | 2017-12-21 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\db\helloPCI.db_info | 137 | 2017-12-16 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\db\helloPCI.eco.cdb | 550 | 2017-12-21 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\db\helloPCI.fit.qmsg | 60839 | 2017-12-21 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\db\helloPCI.hier_info | 32398 | 2017-12-21 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\db\helloPCI.hif | 20115 | 2017-12-21 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\db\helloPCI.lpc.html | 1210 | 2017-12-21 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\db\helloPCI.lpc.rdb | 447 | 2017-12-21 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\db\helloPCI.lpc.txt | 1712 | 2017-12-21 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\db\helloPCI.map.bpm | 913 | 2017-12-21 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\db\helloPCI.map.cdb | 15951 | 2017-12-21 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\db\helloPCI.map.ecobp | 28 | 2017-12-21 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\db\helloPCI.map.hdb | 16623 | 2017-12-21 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\db\helloPCI.map.kpt | 112683 | 2017-12-21 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\db\helloPCI.map.logdb | 4 | 2017-12-21 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\db\helloPCI.map.qmsg | 18365 | 2017-12-21 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\db\helloPCI.map_bb.cdb | 940 | 2017-12-21 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\db\helloPCI.map_bb.hdb | 8684 | 2017-12-21 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\db\helloPCI.map_bb.logdb | 4 | 2017-12-21 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\db\helloPCI.pre_map.cdb | 43904 | 2017-12-21 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\db\helloPCI.pre_map.hdb | 27165 | 2017-12-21 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\db\helloPCI.rpp.qmsg | 1851 | 2017-12-16 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\db\helloPCI.rtlv.hdb | 27084 | 2017-12-21 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\db\helloPCI.rtlv_sg.cdb | 47495 | 2017-12-21 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\db\helloPCI.rtlv_sg_swap.cdb | 4136 | 2017-12-21 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\db\helloPCI.sgate.rvd | 27838 | 2017-12-16 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\db\helloPCI.sgate_sm.rvd | 3602 | 2017-12-16 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\db\helloPCI.sgdiff.cdb | 17136 | 2017-12-21 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\db\helloPCI.sgdiff.hdb | 27954 | 2017-12-21 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\db\helloPCI.sld_design_entry.sci | 154 | 2017-12-21 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\db\helloPCI.sld_design_entry_dsc.sci | 154 | 2017-12-21 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\db\helloPCI.smp_dump.txt | 304 | 2017-12-21 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\db\helloPCI.syn_hier_info | 0 | 2017-12-21 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\db\helloPCI.tan.qmsg | 61898 | 2017-12-21 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\db\helloPCI.tis_db_list.ddb | 174 | 2017-12-21 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\db\helloPCI.tmw_info | 304 | 2017-12-21 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\db\helloPCI_global_asgn_op.abo | 395169 | 2017-12-21 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\db\mux_ogc.tdf | 3535 | 2017-12-16 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\db\prev_cmp_helloPCI.asm.qmsg | 2035 | 2017-12-21 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\db\prev_cmp_helloPCI.fit.qmsg | 3092 | 2017-12-21 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\db\prev_cmp_helloPCI.map.qmsg | 13853 | 2017-12-21 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\db\prev_cmp_helloPCI.qmsg | 13853 | 2017-12-21 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\db\prev_cmp_helloPCI.tan.qmsg | 61380 | 2017-12-21 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\helloPCI.asm.rpt | 7937 | 2017-12-21 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\helloPCI.cdf | 351 | 2017-12-16 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\helloPCI.done | 26 | 2017-12-21 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\helloPCI.dpf | 239 | 2017-12-16 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\helloPCI.fit.rpt | 127835 | 2017-12-21 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\helloPCI.fit.smsg | 411 | 2017-12-21 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\helloPCI.fit.summary | 416 | 2017-12-21 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\helloPCI.flow.rpt | 8012 | 2017-12-21 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\helloPCI.jdi | 21 | 2017-12-21 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\helloPCI.map.rpt | 72350 | 2017-12-21 |
helloPCI\quartusPrj\helloPCI.map.smsg | 131 | 2017-12-21 |