He was the first one (I noticed of) who coded a
decrypter for yC 1.2 :)...good job. Also if it hasn t
full support yet >:-)
So as I promised...here s the source code.
I hope it helps someone.-He was the first one (I noticed of) who coded yC for a decrypter 1.2 : ) ... good job. Also if it hasn t full support yet
decrypter for yC 1.2 :)...good job. Also if it hasn t
full support yet >:-)
So as I promised...here s the source code.
I hope it helps someone.-He was the first one (I noticed of) who coded yC for a decrypter 1.2 : ) ... good job. Also if it hasn t full support yet
压缩包 : 105230327yc12-src.zip 列表 bin/ bin/yC.exe CryptStuff.ASM docs/ docs/history.tXt docs/readme.tXt MAKE.BAT MAKE.PIF PER.ASM resource.inc Rsrc.res yC.asm yC12src-release.txt