《悟空传》是由今何在(原名曾雨)最先在新浪网金庸客栈上面连载发表的长篇小说,共二十章。该书讲述了悲剧英雄孙悟空以及唐僧等人对命运的抗争,作者以现代人的角度重新解读《西游记》的某些情节,通篇弥漫的是思考。(The biography of Wukong is a full-length novel published in the Sina Jin Yong Inn, where it was first published. It is composed of twenty chapters. The book tells the story of the tragic hero Sun Wukong and Tang et al's struggle against fate, the author in the perspective of modern people "re interpretation of some of the plot in" journey to the west, full of diffuse thinking.)
相关搜索: 悟空传