这里不得不鄙视一下apache 的ab测试,那结果真是让人蛋疼,同样的url,测试结果飘忽不定,看得人心惊肉跳,摸不着头脑。(Pylot is a web pressure test tool written by Python. Relatively simple to use. And the test results are relatively stable.
Here you have to despise the Apache AB test, the result is really awful, the same URL, the test results was erratic, jumpy, puzzled.)
这里不得不鄙视一下apache 的ab测试,那结果真是让人蛋疼,同样的url,测试结果飘忽不定,看得人心惊肉跳,摸不着头脑。(Pylot is a web pressure test tool written by Python. Relatively simple to use. And the test results are relatively stable.
Here you have to despise the Apache AB test, the result is really awful, the same URL, the test results was erratic, jumpy, puzzled.)
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