% besselfilter. Function to implement a bandpass Bessel Filter.
% Inputs:
% order: Number of poles in the filter. Scalar numeric value.
% low: Lower frequency bound (Hz). Scalar numeric value.
% high: Upper frequency bound (Hz). Scalar numeric value.
% sampling: Sampling frequency (Hz). Scalar numeric value.
% data: Input data. Numeric vector.(% besselfilter. Function to implement a bandpass Bessel Filter.
% Output:
% filtData: Output filtered data. Numeric vector.
% b, a: Transfer function values for the filter. Scalar numeric.
% License: Please see license.txt in the same repository.
% In short, this code uses the MIT license:
% http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
% Author: Arnab Gupta
% Ph.D. Candidate, Virginia Tech.
% Blacksburg, VA.
% Website: http://arnabocean.com
% Repository: http://bitbucket.org/arnabocean
% Email: arnab@arnabocean.com
% Version: 1.0
% Last Revised: Thu Dec 12, 2013)
% Inputs:
% order: Number of poles in the filter. Scalar numeric value.
% low: Lower frequency bound (Hz). Scalar numeric value.
% high: Upper frequency bound (Hz). Scalar numeric value.
% sampling: Sampling frequency (Hz). Scalar numeric value.
% data: Input data. Numeric vector.(% besselfilter. Function to implement a bandpass Bessel Filter.
% Output:
% filtData: Output filtered data. Numeric vector.
% b, a: Transfer function values for the filter. Scalar numeric.
% License: Please see license.txt in the same repository.
% In short, this code uses the MIT license:
% http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
% Author: Arnab Gupta
% Ph.D. Candidate, Virginia Tech.
% Blacksburg, VA.
% Website: http://arnabocean.com
% Repository: http://bitbucket.org/arnabocean
% Email: arnab@arnabocean.com
% Version: 1.0
% Last Revised: Thu Dec 12, 2013)
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