文件名称:WHITE PAPER V6_20161223.rar
中国移动质量报告和终端产品白皮书的发布,将为普通消费者选择优质终端产品提供客观详实的依据,并提升终端厂商及客户对产品质量的关注度,引导产业链推出更多质量可靠、使用放心的产品。(China Mobile terminal product quality report and white paper released, will provide detailed and objective for ordinary consumers to choose the high quality end product basis, and terminal manufacturers and customers to enhance the degree of concern on the quality of products, leading the industry chain to introduce more reliable quality products, ease of use.)
中国移动质量报告和终端产品白皮书的发布,将为普通消费者选择优质终端产品提供客观详实的依据,并提升终端厂商及客户对产品质量的关注度,引导产业链推出更多质量可靠、使用放心的产品。(China Mobile terminal product quality report and white paper released, will provide detailed and objective for ordinary consumers to choose the high quality end product basis, and terminal manufacturers and customers to enhance the degree of concern on the quality of products, leading the industry chain to introduce more reliable quality products, ease of use.)
China Mobile Communications Corporation4G AND mobile phone production WHITE PAPER V6_20161223.pdf