悠索教务管理系统适用于高校、中学教务管理,采用VS.NET2008开发,数据库访问组件和Access2003/SQL2000/2005/2008无缝结合,采用AJAX无刷新更新。系统包括了学校教务必须使用的大部分功能,包括: 教务管理系统, 教师评价系统, 成绩管理系统,证书查询系统,在线报名系统,自定表单系统,门户管理子系统,考试安排系统,在线考试系统,自动排课系统,公寓管理系统,课件管理系统,作业管理系统,就业信息系统,毕业设计系统。(Yau Suo educational administration system is suitable for educational administration in universities and middle schools. It is developed by VS.NET2008. Database access components are seamlessly combined with Access2003/SQL2000/2005/2008, and AJAX is refreshed without updating. The system includes the majority of functions, including: the school educational administration must use the educational management system, teacher evaluation system, performance management system, certificate inquiry system, online registration system, custom form system, portal management subsystem, examination system, online examination system, automatic course scheduling system, apartment management system, courseware management system. The job management system, employment information system, graduation design system.)
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