- 所属分类:
- 企业管理(财务/ERP/EIP等)
- 资源属性:
- 上传时间:
- 2018-01-19
- 文件大小:
- 3.92mb
- 下载次数:
- 0次
- 提 供 者:
- s***
- 相关连接:
- 无
- 下载说明:
- 别用迅雷下载,失败请重下,重下不扣分!
企业人力资源管理和薪酬管理的信息化平台hrm(Information platform of enterprise human resource management and salary management HRM)
相关搜索: hrm
文件名 | 大小 | 更新时间 |
5khrm | 0 | 2014-01-23 |
5khrm\App | 0 | 2014-01-23 |
5khrm\App\Common | 0 | 2014-01-23 |
5khrm\App\Common\common.php | 12210 | 2014-01-20 |
5khrm\App\Conf | 0 | 2014-01-23 |
5khrm\App\Conf\config.php | 489 | 2013-12-30 |
5khrm\App\Conf\tags.php | 53 | 2013-12-07 |
5khrm\App\Conf\version.php | 67 | 2014-01-23 |
5khrm\App\Lang | 0 | 2014-01-23 |
5khrm\App\Lib | 0 | 2014-01-23 |
5khrm\App\Lib\Action | 0 | 2014-01-23 |
5khrm\App\Lib\Action\Core | 0 | 2014-01-23 |
5khrm\App\Lib\Action\Core\AnnouncementAction.class.php | 4930 | 2014-01-22 |
5khrm\App\Lib\Action\Core\EventAction.class.php | 8489 | 2014-01-23 |
5khrm\App\Lib\Action\Core\FileAction.class.php | 5731 | 2014-01-18 |
5khrm\App\Lib\Action\Core\IndexAction.class.php | 331 | 2013-12-11 |
5khrm\App\Lib\Action\Core\InstallAction.class.php | 6533 | 2014-01-22 |
5khrm\App\Lib\Action\Core\LogAction.class.php | 3554 | 2014-01-15 |
5khrm\App\Lib\Action\Core\MessageAction.class.php | 7475 | 2014-01-17 |
5khrm\App\Lib\Action\Core\NavigationAction.class.php | 4276 | 2013-12-25 |
5khrm\App\Lib\Action\Core\SettingAction.class.php | 6943 | 2014-01-18 |
5khrm\App\Lib\Action\Core\TaskAction.class.php | 16556 | 2014-01-23 |
5khrm\App\Lib\Action\Core\UserAction.class.php | 16207 | 2014-01-23 |
5khrm\App\Lib\Action\Hrm | 0 | 2014-01-23 |
5khrm\App\Lib\Action\Hrm\AppraisalmanagerAction.class.php | 6572 | 2014-01-23 |
5khrm\App\Lib\Action\Hrm\AppraisalpointAction.class.php | 3766 | 2014-01-17 |
5khrm\App\Lib\Action\Hrm\AppraisaltemplateAction.class.php | 9630 | 2014-01-18 |
5khrm\App\Lib\Action\Hrm\ArchivesAction.class.php | 2107 | 2014-01-18 |
5khrm\App\Lib\Action\Hrm\AttendancesheetAction.class.php | 1147 | 2014-01-15 |
5khrm\App\Lib\Action\Hrm\CheckAction.class.php | 1914 | 2014-01-02 |
5khrm\App\Lib\Action\Hrm\InsuranceAction.class.php | 12062 | 2014-01-17 |
5khrm\App\Lib\Action\Hrm\LeaveAction.class.php | 5876 | 2014-01-18 |
5khrm\App\Lib\Action\Hrm\LieuAction.class.php | 5755 | 2014-01-16 |
5khrm\App\Lib\Action\Hrm\OvertimeAction.class.php | 8792 | 2014-01-18 |
5khrm\App\Lib\Action\Hrm\PunchAction.class.php | 4968 | 2014-01-16 |
5khrm\App\Lib\Action\Hrm\ReportAction.class.php | 8363 | 2014-01-18 |
5khrm\App\Lib\Action\Hrm\SalaryAction.class.php | 12916 | 2014-01-18 |
5khrm\App\Lib\Action\Hrm\StaffcontractAction.class.php | 7435 | 2014-01-02 |
5khrm\App\Lib\Action\Hrm\StructureAction.class.php | 8871 | 2014-01-23 |
5khrm\App\Lib\Action\Hrm\TrainAction.class.php | 9511 | 2014-01-17 |
5khrm\App\Lib\Action\Hrm\TypeAction.class.php | 1731 | 2014-01-02 |
5khrm\App\Lib\Action\Hrm\WorkingshiftAction.class.php | 5962 | 2014-01-17 |
5khrm\App\Lib\Behavior | 0 | 2014-01-23 |
5khrm\App\Lib\Behavior\AppBehavior.class.php | 816 | 2013-12-24 |
5khrm\App\Lib\Behavior\AuthenticateBehavior.class.php | 1077 | 2013-12-26 |
5khrm\App\Lib\Model | 0 | 2014-01-23 |
5khrm\App\Lib\Model\AnnouncementModel.class.php | 3939 | 2014-01-20 |
5khrm\App\Lib\Model\AppraisalManagerModel.class.php | 8062 | 2014-01-20 |
5khrm\App\Lib\Model\AppraisalPointModel.class.php | 5299 | 2014-01-17 |
5khrm\App\Lib\Model\AppraisalTemplateModel.class.php | 6479 | 2014-01-18 |
5khrm\App\Lib\Model\ArchivesModel.class.php | 4276 | 2014-01-10 |
5khrm\App\Lib\Model\AttendanceSheetModel.class.php | 6687 | 2014-01-14 |
5khrm\App\Lib\Model\ConfigModel.class.php | 518 | 2013-12-07 |
5khrm\App\Lib\Model\EventModel.class.php | 2608 | 2014-01-16 |
5khrm\App\Lib\Model\FileModel.class.php | 777 | 2013-12-25 |
5khrm\App\Lib\Model\InsuranceModel.class.php | 3401 | 2014-01-03 |
5khrm\App\Lib\Model\LeaveModel.class.php | 5270 | 2014-01-18 |
5khrm\App\Lib\Model\LeaveViewModel.class.php | 671 | 2014-01-02 |
5khrm\App\Lib\Model\LieuModel.class.php | 5004 | 2014-01-16 |
5khrm\App\Lib\Model\LogModel.class.php | 2484 | 2014-01-15 |
5khrm\App\Lib\Model\MessageModel.class.php | 3591 | 2014-01-20 |
5khrm\App\Lib\Model\NavigationModel.class.php | 4387 | 2014-01-17 |
5khrm\App\Lib\Model\OvertimeModel.class.php | 7121 | 2014-01-16 |
5khrm\App\Lib\Model\PunchModel.class.php | 3872 | 2014-01-16 |
5khrm\App\Lib\Model\SalaryModel.class.php | 4623 | 2014-01-16 |
5khrm\App\Lib\Model\StaffContractModel.class.php | 1424 | 2013-12-25 |
5khrm\App\Lib\Model\StructureModel.class.php | 10083 | 2014-01-23 |
5khrm\App\Lib\Model\TaskModel.class.php | 7494 | 2014-01-23 |
5khrm\App\Lib\Model\TrainModel.class.php | 2200 | 2014-01-02 |
5khrm\App\Lib\Model\UserModel.class.php | 5396 | 2014-01-17 |
5khrm\App\Lib\Model\UserViewModel.class.php | 553 | 2014-01-02 |
5khrm\App\Lib\Model\WorkingShiftModel.class.php | 3980 | 2014-01-15 |
5khrm\App\Lib\ORG | 0 | 2014-01-23 |
5khrm\App\Lib\ORG\Mail.class.php | 46305 | 2013-12-04 |
5khrm\App\Lib\ORG\Page.class.php | 8110 | 2013-12-18 |
5khrm\App\Lib\ORG\UploadFile.class.php | 18081 | 2013-12-04 |
5khrm\App\Lib\Widget | 0 | 2014-01-23 |
5khrm\App\Lib\Widget\Announcement | 0 | 2014-01-23 |
5khrm\App\Lib\Widget\Announcement\index.html | 1202 | 2014-01-22 |
5khrm\App\Lib\Widget\AnnouncementWidget.class.php | 450 | 2014-01-20 |
5khrm\App\Lib\Widget\Message | 0 | 2014-01-23 |
5khrm\App\Lib\Widget\Message\index.html | 679 | 2014-01-23 |
5khrm\App\Lib\Widget\MessageWidget.class.php | 310 | 2014-01-20 |
5khrm\App\Lib\Widget\Navigation | 0 | 2014-01-23 |
5khrm\App\Lib\Widget\Navigation\index.html | 4597 | 2014-01-23 |
5khrm\App\Lib\Widget\NavigationWidget.class.php | 329 | 2014-01-17 |
5khrm\App\Runtime | 0 | 2014-01-23 |
5khrm\App\Runtime\Cache | 0 | 2014-01-23 |
5khrm\App\Runtime\Cache\Core | 0 | 2014-01-23 |
5khrm\App\Runtime\Cache\Core\b4cc9be96948c588a5de486c17608f5a.php | 4462 | 2014-01-23 |
5khrm\App\Runtime\Data | 0 | 2014-01-23 |
5khrm\App\Runtime\Data\contractstatus.php | 70 | 2014-01-23 |
5khrm\App\Runtime\Data\contracttype.php | 91 | 2014-01-23 |
5khrm\App\Runtime\Data\defaultinfo.php | 213 | 2014-01-23 |
5khrm\App\Runtime\Data\smtp.php | 227 | 2014-01-23 |
5khrm\App\Runtime\Logs | 0 | 2014-01-23 |
5khrm\App\Runtime\Logs\14_01_23.log | 10751 | 2014-01-23 |
5khrm\App\Runtime\Temp | 0 | 2014-01-23 |
5khrm\App\Tpl | 0 | 2014-01-23 |
5khrm\App\Tpl\Core | 0 | 2014-01-23 |