人的大脑是由数以万计的针尖大小的神经交错构成的。神经相互作用时,脑电波模式就表现为思维状态,像是计算数学时的专注等情绪状态。人的大脑平均每天产生7万个想法。而且,每次神经活动时都会产生轻微的放电,放出的电通过脑电波技术(医学上称为脑电图)就可以测量得到。单个神经产生的放电是很难从头皮外测量到的。但是许多神经共同放电产生的集体电波是可以测量得到的。因此,我们测量到的大脑状态是由许多神经共同放电产生的集体神经活动决定的。(The principle of TGAM chip is introduced in this paper.
The human brain is made up of tens of thousands of needle-size neurons. When the nerve interacts with each other, the brainwave pattern is reflected in the state of mind, such as the concentration and other emotional states of mathematics. The average human brain produces 70,000 ideas a day. And every time a neural activity occurs, a slight discharge is produced, which can be measured by electroencephalography, known as electroencephalography (eeg). It is difficult to measure the discharge of a single nerve from the outside of the scalp. But the collective radio waves produced by many of the nerves are measurable. Therefore, the state of the brain we measure is determined by the collective neural activity of many neurons firing together.)
人的大脑是由数以万计的针尖大小的神经交错构成的。神经相互作用时,脑电波模式就表现为思维状态,像是计算数学时的专注等情绪状态。人的大脑平均每天产生7万个想法。而且,每次神经活动时都会产生轻微的放电,放出的电通过脑电波技术(医学上称为脑电图)就可以测量得到。单个神经产生的放电是很难从头皮外测量到的。但是许多神经共同放电产生的集体电波是可以测量得到的。因此,我们测量到的大脑状态是由许多神经共同放电产生的集体神经活动决定的。(The principle of TGAM chip is introduced in this paper.
The human brain is made up of tens of thousands of needle-size neurons. When the nerve interacts with each other, the brainwave pattern is reflected in the state of mind, such as the concentration and other emotional states of mathematics. The average human brain produces 70,000 ideas a day. And every time a neural activity occurs, a slight discharge is produced, which can be measured by electroencephalography, known as electroencephalography (eeg). It is difficult to measure the discharge of a single nerve from the outside of the scalp. But the collective radio waves produced by many of the nerves are measurable. Therefore, the state of the brain we measure is determined by the collective neural activity of many neurons firing together.)
相关搜索: tgam
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