4.完善了同城电子商务、网上交易的电子商务模式(1. repair online store product details page browsers code random code problem.
Features of multi user business city system in cosmetic and cosmetic industry
1. take a new architecture
Using the MVC development model, the business logic is clearer.
The TPL template engine technology is used to develop the template more quickly.
2. fully compatible mainstream browsers
3. business users have a more friendly experience
4. the electronic commerce model of e-business and online trading in the city has been perfected)
4.完善了同城电子商务、网上交易的电子商务模式(1. repair online store product details page browsers code random code problem.
Features of multi user business city system in cosmetic and cosmetic industry
1. take a new architecture
Using the MVC development model, the business logic is clearer.
The TPL template engine technology is used to develop the template more quickly.
2. fully compatible mainstream browsers
3. business users have a more friendly experience
4. the electronic commerce model of e-business and online trading in the city has been perfected)
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