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利用JAVA线程,解决哲学家就餐问题。当某一哲学家线程执行取得筷子方法时, 程序会根据该线程的名称来确定该线程需要使用哪两支筷子,并且分辨出哪支筷子编号是奇数,按照先奇后偶的顺序来试图取得这两支筷子。 如果这两支筷子都未被使用(即对应的数组元素值为 false),该哲学家线程即可先后取得这两支筷子进餐,否则会在竞争某支筷子失 败后执行 wait()操作进入 Chopsticks 类实例的等待区, 直到其他的哲学家线程进餐完毕放下筷子时用 notifyAll()将其唤醒。当某一哲学家线程放下筷子时, 程序会将放下的筷子对应的数组元素值置为 false,并用 notifyAll()唤醒在等待区里的其他线程。(Use the JAVA thread to solve the problem of the philosopher's eating. When a philosopher thread performs the way of chopsticks, the program will determine which two chopsticks he needs to use according to the name of the thread, and identify which chopsticks are odd numbers, and try to get the two chopsticks according to the order of odd and even later. If the two chopsticks are not being used (i.e. the corresponding array element value of false), the philosopher has made this thread can be two chopsticks, otherwise it will execute wait in the competition after the failure of chopsticks () into the operation of an instance of the Chopsticks class to wait until the other thread, put down the chopsticks when philosophers after dinner (notifyAll) in its wake. When a philosopher thread puts down the chopsticks, the program sets the value of the array elements corresponding to the dropped chopsticks into false, and wakes up the other threads in the waiting area with notifyAll ().)
相关搜索: java



哲学家就餐.docx 69724 2017-12-12
哲学家问题.txt 2483 2017-12-12


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