文件名称:Ball Beam

  • 所属分类:
  • 软件工程
  • 资源属性:
  • 上传时间:
  • 2017-11-28
  • 文件大小:
  • 4.11mb
  • 下载次数:
  • 0次
  • 提 供 者:
  • wangwof********
  • 相关连接:
  • 下载说明:
  • 别用迅雷下载,失败请重下,重下不扣分!


利用模糊控制球杆系统,建立球杆系统仿真模型(Using fuzzy control ball rod system)
相关搜索: 模糊控制球杆系统



Ball Beam\Ball And Beam.aps 48084 2010-04-22
Ball Beam\Ball And Beam.clw 4356 2010-05-17
Ball Beam\Ball And Beam.cpp 4378 2010-04-21
Ball Beam\Ball And Beam.dsp 4973 2010-04-22
Ball Beam\Ball And Beam.dsw 551 2010-04-12
Ball Beam\Ball And Beam.h 1417 2010-04-12
Ball Beam\Ball And Beam.ncb 115712 2010-05-17
Ball Beam\Ball And Beam.opt 144896 2010-05-17
Ball Beam\Ball And Beam.plg 260 2010-05-17
Ball Beam\Ball And Beam.rc 14922 2010-04-22
Ball Beam\ball and beam.wrl 3238 2010-04-20
Ball Beam\Ball And BeamDoc.cpp 1848 2010-04-12
Ball Beam\Ball And BeamDoc.h 1532 2010-04-12
Ball Beam\Ball And BeamView.cpp 12883 2010-04-22
Ball Beam\Ball And BeamView.h 3182 2010-04-22
Ball Beam\ballandbeam.err 16894 2010-04-13
Ball Beam\bb.err 16876 2010-04-13
Ball Beam\cnComm.h 16709 2006-07-06
Ball Beam\Debug\Ball And Beam.bsc 5612544 2010-04-22
Ball Beam\Debug\Ball And Beam.exe 143436 2010-04-22
Ball Beam\Debug\Ball And Beam.ilk 430088 2010-04-22
Ball Beam\Debug\Ball And Beam.obj 23864 2010-04-22
Ball Beam\Debug\Ball And Beam.pch 6881540 2010-04-18
Ball Beam\Debug\Ball And Beam.pdb 558080 2010-04-22
Ball Beam\Debug\Ball And Beam.res 9268 2010-04-22
Ball Beam\Debug\Ball And Beam.sbr
Ball Beam\Debug\ball and beam.wrl 3236 2010-04-20
Ball Beam\Debug\Ball And BeamDoc.obj 15196 2010-04-18
Ball Beam\Debug\Ball And BeamDoc.sbr
Ball Beam\Debug\Ball And BeamView.obj 79130 2010-04-22
Ball Beam\Debug\Ball And BeamView.sbr
Ball Beam\Debug\DIYLabBasic.dll 225352 2004-11-04
Ball Beam\Debug\Hlssatlib.dll 241732 2004-11-05
Ball Beam\Debug\MainFrm.obj 19981 2010-04-22
Ball Beam\Debug\MainFrm.sbr
Ball Beam\Debug\MFCO42D.DLL 798773 1998-06-17
Ball Beam\Debug\StdAfx.obj 105842 2010-04-18
Ball Beam\Debug\StdAfx.sbr 1375019 2010-04-18
Ball Beam\Debug\vc60.idb 238592 2010-05-17
Ball Beam\Debug\vc60.pdb 421888 2010-04-22
Ball Beam\Debug\vrmlplugin.dll 155727 2004-11-08
Ball Beam\MainFrm.cpp 2376 2010-04-22
Ball Beam\MainFrm.h 1440 2010-04-22
Ball Beam\ReadMe.txt 4465 2010-04-12
Ball Beam\res\Ball And Beam.ico 1078 2010-04-12
Ball Beam\res\Ball And Beam.rc2 405 2010-04-12
Ball Beam\res\Ball And BeamDoc.ico 1078 2010-04-12
Ball Beam\res\Toolbar.bmp 1078 2010-04-12
Ball Beam\resource.h 2025 2010-04-22
Ball Beam\StdAfx.cpp 215 2010-04-12
Ball Beam\StdAfx.h 1054 2010-04-12
Ball Beam\vrmllib.h 2378 2004-11-08
Ball Beam\vrmlplugin.lib 8430 2004-11-08
Ball Beam\Debug
Ball Beam\res
Ball Beam


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