The reason why I decided to write this article is because, I was learning myself how to use sockets with under windows, I could not find one place that had a tutorial which included every thing i was looking for, or if it did it was way to complicated for me to understand. In the end after doing my research I put together my resources and came up with this tutorial. I hope that it is clear and informative so that other people can benefit from it -The reason why I decided to write this Artic le is because, I was learning myself how to use sockets with und er windows, I could not find one place that had a tutorial WHI ch included every thing i was looking for. or if it did it was way to complicated for me to und erstand. In the end after doing my research I put my resources together and came up with this TUTO 77. I hope that it is clear and informative so t hat other people can benefit from it
压缩包 : 39709597server_client_sockets_src.zip 列表 client_part1.cpp client_part2.cpp server_part1.cpp server_part2.cpp server_part3.cpp