
  • 所属分类:
  • 其他小程序
  • 资源属性:
  • [C/C++] [源码]
  • 上传时间:
  • 2017-04-18
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  • 张**
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字符串或串(String)是由数字、字母、下划线组成的一串字符。一般记为 s “a1a2···an”(n> 0)。它是编程语言中表示文本的数据类型。在程序设计中,字符串(string)为符号或数值的一个连续序列,如符号串(一串字符)或二进制数字串(一串二进制数字)。

通常以串的整体作为操作对象,如:在串中查找某个子串、求取一个子串、在串的某个位置上插入一个子串以及删除一个子串等。两个字符串相等的充要条件是:长度相等,并且各个对应位置上的字符都相等。设p、q是两个串,求q在p中首次出现的位置的运算叫做模式匹配。串的两种最基本的存储方式是顺序存储方式和链接存储方式。-Strings or string (String) is a string of characters consisting of numbers, letters, the underscore. Is generally referred to as s  " a1a2an" (n>  0). It is a programming language indicates the data type of text. In programming, a string (string) is a symbol or a continuous numerical sequence, such as a symbol string (string of characters) or binary digit string (a string of binary digits). Typically whole string as the operation target, such as: Find a substring in the string, a substring is obtained, inserting a substring of string in a certain position on a sub-string and deleting the like. Sufficient Conditions two strings are equal: equal length, and the character corresponding to the respective positions are equal. Provided p, q are two strings, the first occurrence of q seek operation in the p position is called pattern matching. Two basic ways to store strings of sequential storage and links stored.




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