高仿墨迹天气源码使用http://www.weather.com.cn提供的天气数据,PM2.5数据使用的pm25.in的接口。项目UI精美界面布局也是仿照墨迹天气开发可以滑动下面的天气栏查看一周天气。项目载入后会调用百度的locSDK自动定位,另外比较赞的地方就是完全实现了墨迹天气中的天气查询列表界面使用了pinyin4j支持将简体和繁体中文转换成汉语拼音(并且支持多音字)。-High imitation source code provided by the use of http://www.weather.com.cn ink weather weather data, PM2.5 data using the pm25.in interface. Project UI beautiful interface layout is modeled on the development of the ink weather can slide bar to view the weather a week weather. Project after loading will call the baidu locSDK automatic positioning, also more praise is the full realization of the ink weather weather query list interface using the pinyin4j support will be simplified and traditional Chinese conversion into Pinyin (and support polyphone).