
  • 所属分类:
  • android开发
  • 资源属性:
  • [Android] [Java] [源码]
  • 上传时间:
  • 2016-07-06
  • 文件大小:
  • 4.97mb
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  • 0次
  • 提 供 者:
  • Ke***
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安卓手机打车源码只包括用户端项目源码,没有司机端和服务端源码,因为服务端IP地址有变动导致项目不能正常登录,截图只能在第一个界面。翻了翻源码发现有拼车、历史记录、密码修改、在线升级、意见反馈、问题投诉等功能的实现代码。地图使用的百度MapAPI,现在Key还有效,如果某一天你下载本源码以后发现地图显示不了了就证明key失效了可以去http://dev.baidu.com/wiki/static/imap/key/申请。项目虽然不完美但是也完全可以作为借鉴解决一些燃眉之急。-Android mobile phone taxi source only includes the user side project source code, no driver side and server source code, because the server IP address changes caused by the project can not be normal, screenshots can only be in the first interface. Turn over turn source was found to have a carpool, historical records, change passwords, online upgrade, feedback, complaints and so on function of the realization of the code. Map the use of Baidu MapAPI, now Key is also effective, if one day you download the source code later found that the map shows that the key fails to prove that the can go to http://dev.baidu.com/wiki/static/imap/key/ applications. Although the project is not perfect but also can be used as a reference to solve some as pressing danger.


















































































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