安卓简单实用课程源码非常简单实用,没有花哨的功能,没有复杂的界面,有的只是实实在在的课表记录,这让我想起了上初中的时候画在课本封皮里或者硬纸卡上的课程表,都是非常实用主义的最佳体现。软件打开以后会显示一周时间,每天都有5节课,长按任意一节课会弹出一个设置课程内容的对话框,可以设置课程的课程名字、教室、任课老师。不过课数规定的有点死,课少了还好说,多了就杯具了。如果再加一个动态调整课数的功能就好了。 -Android is a simple and practical program source code is very simple and practical, no fancy, no complicated interface, there are only real schedule record, it makes me remember junior high school when painting in the book cover or cardboard on the curriculum table, is the best embodiment of pragmatism very. Software to open in the future will show a week, every day five classes, long press any lesson will pop up a curriculum content dialog box, you can set course name, in the classroom, in the classroom teacher. However, the number of the provisions of the number of dead, the class is less good to say, more on the cup with the. If you add a dynamic adjustment of the number of functions is good.